In regards to the Martin incident...I won't go into details, but speaking as someone who has experience with that kind of horrible trauma, I will say (and this is just my opinion and in no way is intended to belittle anyone elses) that I do not take great offense to what Martin said, yes it was a very bad joke, tasteless (to say the least) and evidence that really one should think before they speak. I understand completely why people would take what he said badly, for good reason. For these reasons though, I am not that upset with him; he obviously wasn't being serious and it clearly isn't his personal opinion, it was clear that he realized when saying it that he made a mistake and didn't subsequently try to justify it, no one is perfect, unless someone says something and means it as a serious thing it shouldn't be taken seriously and it's best to let it go, he deserves to be forgiven for the mistake because like I said above - he wasn't being serious and must be under a lot of stress for obvious reasons. I would say all that about anyone really, celebrity or not, although it does strongly depend on the circumstances. Really, it can't help to dwell on a mistake someone else has made, especially when you believe them to be a good person. Overall, I think it's time to move on and focus on Sherlockian goodness, better to put positive energy out there in the universe than negative.
Last edited by SilverMoonDragonB (December 18, 2013 11:33 pm)