I have what people around me qualify as "bad habits" and what they absolutely want me to change.
I know it would do me good, but I'm really not ready to kick them.
My sleeping habits. I most of the time sleep less than 2 hours a day (rarely more than 5, and sometimes less than one hour, I can go to bed at 6.15am and wake up at 7 to go to work) just because nightime is my favourite moment. I read, write fanfictions, make fanvideos... That's when I am the most inspired. And since I was a child, I've always found sleeping was dull and a waste of time.
I've had this habit for so many years (when i was 15, I already slept about 2 hours/night). I know it's not a healthy way of life, our body and brain require sleep, but so far, I'm fine with sleeping that little, so I admit I ignore the long term health issues...
Then, I am a very solitary person. Always have been but it got worse when my husband died. I tend to be more and more "asocial". When it's holiday time, I can spend days and days without talking to anyone but my 4 year old son. So when I have to talk to people (esp. "strangers", the irony of that is that i am a social worker! LOL. Always hated my job!), I get more and more stressed.
When someone knocks at my door, I almost stop breathing and I don't make a single move until I'm sure the person has gone away (sometimes, it's a friend of mine, or simply the postman and I miss the package I was expecting). When someone calls me, unless it's my mother/father/brother/grandmother, I NEVER reply, even if it's one of my best friends. If they haven't warned me that they were going to call, I let them leave a message, and then I have to take time and prepare myself to call them back (most of the time I text them to avoid talking)
Also, I wish I wasn't so fond of junk food, chocolate etc...