Posted by Wholocked November 10, 2012 10:58 am | #21 |
Mine arrived last week. I haven't read it yet - I'm going through it slowly. Too much fan fic to read!
Posted by tobeornot221b November 10, 2012 11:05 am | #22 |
It's my bedtime story book - love it!
Posted by Mattlocked November 10, 2012 11:07 am | #23 |
This is my bedtime story at the moment:
Posted by Smoggy_London_Air November 11, 2012 3:22 am | #24 |
Wow, Sherlock's much younger than I thought. I always assumed that he was about the same age as Benedict Cumberbatch.
Posted by Smoggy_London_Air November 11, 2012 3:47 am | #25 |
- Sherlock explique � John que l'avoir fait envoyer un sms au meurtrier dans A Study in Pink "montre combien je t'apprécie, je n'aurais pas laissé n'importe qui le faire".
----> Sherlock explains to John that having him send the text message showed how much he trusted him, because not many people would be permitted to do that.
- Sherlock semble avoir réellement apprécié le rendez-vous de John avec Sarah puisqu'il dit � ce sujet : "Meilleur. Rencard. Jamais eu." Concernant la scène dans le tunnel du métro, il commente : "Second. Meilleur. Rencard. Jamais eu."
----> (Needed help from the dictionary for this one!) Sherlock seems to appreciate John's date with Sarah, because he send texts with the subject "Best. Hot Date. Ever." About the scene in the tunnel, he said "Second. Best. Hot date. Ever." (*Snerk*)
- Sherlock panique quand John le qualifie de "diabolique" : "Seigneur ! Tu ne penses pas vraiment que je suis diabolique, n'est-ce pas ? J'ai simplement quelques difficultés � exprimer mes émotions. Avec ton aide, je pourrais changer !"
---->Sherlock panics when John calls him evil. (Evil might be a bad translation, but it's the best I can come up with. Perhaps it was the stand in for something that doesn't translate directly?) "Sir! You don't really think I'm evil? I simply have some difficulty expressing my emotions. I could change with your help."
- La raison pour laquelle ils sont toujours � cours de lait est que Sherlock s'en sert pour cultiver des bactéries.
---->The reason that they always need milk is because Sherlock uses it for cultures.
- Sherlock adore lire des magazines féminins : "On trouve de tout dans les colonnes personnelles des magazines féminins."
---->Sherlock loves women's magazines. "You can find everything in the personal columns of women's magazines."
- Sherlock a un jour mis feu au tiroir de John.
---->Sherlock set fire to John's drawers one day.
- Sherlock déteste la province. "Trop de vert. Et il y a des vaches. Mou."
---->Sherlock hates the countryside. "Too much green, and there are cows. Moo."
- Il existe un tumblr dédié � John qui s'intitule "Watson's Wenches" (Wenches signifiant "femmes" mais de façon plutôt argotique, comme "greluches"... le jeu de mots n'est pas vraiment traduisible).
---->There is a tumblr dedicated to John called "Watson's Wenches."
- Plutôt que d'adopter un Palais Mental, John a considéré se créer un "Bungalow Mémoriel" (Memory Bungalow).
---->Instead of making a Mind Palace, John considered making a "Memory Bungalow."
- John conclut le livre sur ces mots : "Le temps que je retourne � l'hôpital, il était sur le toit. Sherlock se tenait au bord. Il m'a appelé. A tenté de me convaincre qu'il était un imposteur. Que tout ce qu'ils avaient dit � son sujet était vrai. Je ne l'ai pas cru. Je ne le crois toujours pas. On l'a forcé � dire cela. Il y a été obligé.
----> John ends the book with these words: "By the time I returned to the hospital, he was on the roof. Sherlock was on the edge. He called me. He attempted to convince me that he was an impostor.. That everything that they'd said about him was true. I didn't believe it. I still don't believe it. Someone forced him to say it. There was an obligation.
Et puis il a sauté.
----> And then he jumped.
Je lui dois tant. J'avais besoin de lui. J'ai toujours besoin de lui.
----> I owe him so much. I needed him. I will always need him.
Mais il est parti.
----> But he's gone.
Il m'a dit un jour que je ne devais pas faire des gens des héros. Il a dit que les héros n'existaient pas et que même si c'était le cas, il n'en serait pas un.
He told me one day that I shouldn't believe in heros. He said that heros don't exist and even if they didn't he wouldn't be one.
Ce qui prouve qu'il n'avait pas toujours raison."
----> That proves that he wasn't always right.