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Welcome, leoninechelle,
my only experience with the USA so far is one week in Texas. All I can say that I quite had difficulties in understanding the accent - I remember something like "tador" for "potatoes"... And yes, rodeo in Fort Worth, Dr Pepper museum in Dublin TX, sailing on Lake Taxoma, yellow burnt grass (I was there in January), the smell of fires in the air at night, very nice people and a lot of food.
Nice to have you with us. Enjoy!
Davina wrote:
Hello and welcome to the forum. The first member from Texas methinks! What do I know of Texas...it is BIG...Texmex food, oil, Dallas...You have got an accent...so have I , but I'm a Brit!
Ah! Then by classification, you are automatically one of my favorite people. Lovely to meet you.
tobeornot221b wrote:
Welcome, leoninechelle,
my only experience with the USA so far is one week in Texas. All I can say that I quite had difficulties in understanding the accent - I remember something like "tador" for "potatoes"...And yes, rodeo in Fort Worth, Dr Pepper museum in Dublin TX, sailing on Lake Taxoma, yellow burnt grass (I was there in January), the smell of fires in the air at night, very nice people and a lot of food.
Nice to have you with us. Enjoy!
Thank you! I assure you, I do not say "tador." In fact, my inner circle knows my propensity for proper grammar and pronunciation so well, that they know if they use "text speak" to me (i.e. ur = your, 2 = to, etc.), they are setting themselves up for a rather lengthy period of silence on my end. ;)
leoninechelle wrote:
tobeornot221b wrote:
Welcome, leoninechelle,
my only experience with the USA so far is one week in Texas. All I can say that I quite had difficulties in understanding the accent - I remember something like "tador" for "potatoes"...And yes, rodeo in Fort Worth, Dr Pepper museum in Dublin TX, sailing on Lake Taxoma, yellow burnt grass (I was there in January), the smell of fires in the air at night, very nice people and a lot of food.
Nice to have you with us. Enjoy!Thank you! I assure you, I do not say "tador." In fact, my inner circle knows my propensity for proper grammar and pronunciation so well, that they know if they use "text speak" to me (i.e. ur = your, 2 = to, etc.), they are setting themselves up for a rather lengthy period of silence on my end. ;)
It took me a moment to realize it was "tater" XD
sj4iy wrote:
It took me a moment to realize it was "tater" XD
Now that I can completely understand. I hope you appreciate the painstaking control it requires on my part not to correct everyone in my general vicinity. ;)
Welcome, welcome....
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