Hello Everyone-
My name is Janine. I live in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and I am so delighted to have found this community. I am so impressed with the intelligent witty commentary on this board, a perfect compliment to the show. Thank you so much for having me. Oops after watching Irene Adler, I better rephrase that
I am new to the show, having been introduced to it by my boyfriend as Season 2 began here on PBS only a few short weeks ago. So all you experts please be gentle with me until I catch up on all the nuances of each episode. I am off to a good start. After being completely enthralled and mesmerized after seeing A Scandal in Belgravia, I went out the following day and bought all the other episodes and have watched each one a few times over.
I do not watch a lot of TV other than news or old movies on TCM because most of it here in america is dumbed down shlock. The last tV show I was really captivated by was the show Lost. I was in mourning in when it concluded and I was sure I would not find anything else as brilliantly written or with characters so intricate and delicious. I was wrong. I've found it in Sherlock and I am so excited. TV is fun again!
I grew up loving all the Sherlock Holmes stories, loved the Basil Rathbone WWII Grade B movies, and thought the Granada TV series with Jeremy Brett was brilliant and spot on true to the books. But none of the earlier adaptations are as fun, as clever as Sherlock.
I love Benedict Cumberbatch (god he is sexy), Andrew Scott and Lara Pulver and Martin Freeman was a fave of mine from The Office. Those four characters have such great chemistry and are so deliciously over the top. I just pray they bring back Irene Adler and that Moriarty is not dead.
Anyway that is all for now. Look forward to chatting with you all
Janine with a Sentimental Pulse
Hi, Janine! I just joined this board a few days ago and I'm sure you'll find it great, as I have. Everyone is very welcoming!
Welcome to the forum = ).
Thank you Sherli and Milkomeda Ah the fair Irene. My boyfriend is making me wear my hair that way frequently lately
Hi Janine! I hope you have a great time here while we all wait for Series 3. Welcome!
Thanks jenosborn
Another east-coaster!!
Welcome to the forum. Have fun. Post a lot. Enjoy the theories. Put down that whip.
Thanks Tantalus God help the poor man but the whip is the only incentive I have to make the boyfriend empty the rubbish bin
Hellooooo! And welcome to the forum for everything Sherlockian, plus other stuff as well. Enjoy!
Yes, Welcome SP!
Thank you Davina and Molly
Hi SP,
what a sweet introduction - welcome! Make yourself feel at home and have fun with us slightly crazy bunch of Sherlockians.
Thank you tobeornot221b You're very kind.
Love your nickname !
Hi there sentimental pulse!! We've met. love your avatar, BTW did you make it yourself? welcome to our zany world. I love it here and I'm sure you will too!!
Kitty...thank you so much. I do enjoy reading all your wonderful comments Yes I made this avatar myself. It is supposed to be a cartoonized pic of me standing outside 221B. But the 221B got cut off at the top. Oh well still enough of a clue for us to follow
Hello, SP, I think we've met elsewhere in this forum but I still want to say welcome, make yourself at home, put the tea kettle on, straighten that Union Jack pillow and stretch yourself out on the sofa .
Thanks Susi
beautiful job, SP love the hair. I recognized the door anyway. Lucky lady, you!!
Hey there SP...sorry for the late welcome, but welcome anyway.
Thanks SH!