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September 15, 2013 11:47 am  #1621

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

besleybean wrote:

It was a lot less painful than the book!
But I did feel for John.

less painful?  For me it's just the other way round.


"Falling is just like flying, except there’s a more permanent destination."

"Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one."

"Would you like to-"
"-have dinner?"
"-solve crimes?"


September 15, 2013 12:24 pm  #1622

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I was so pumped after watching TRF the first time that I couldn't wait to see it again.  So I watched it the next day

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

September 15, 2013 1:24 pm  #1623

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

The current rumor is around Jan. 1st.  It could be baseless, but the guy who started it is a reputable blogger/journalist, and he's very adamant.  So, until we hear more, this is my placemarker.

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

September 15, 2013 1:56 pm  #1624

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I won't believe anything that anyone says until it's confirmed by the BBC or Moftiss.


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


September 15, 2013 2:15 pm  #1625

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Well, the filmmakers have also said "End of this year/beginning of next" (BC, Sue Verture, Moffat), Jan. 1st is as good as guess as any.

Last edited by sj4iy (September 15, 2013 2:18 pm)

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

September 15, 2013 2:28 pm  #1626

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I've always gone for Jan 1 since S2...which is why I think I'll be away!


September 15, 2013 3:09 pm  #1627

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Well, if that's true then I can't go skiing. 


"Falling is just like flying, except there’s a more permanent destination."

"Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one."

"Would you like to-"
"-have dinner?"
"-solve crimes?"


September 15, 2013 3:37 pm  #1628

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Altho the 1st is a Wednesday, so I don't know if that makes a difference...


September 15, 2013 3:53 pm  #1629

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Well, the 1st is a holiday, so a lot of people will probably not be at home... But it's all speculation at this point anyway. Would be great to have it officially announced asap...

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


September 15, 2013 3:59 pm  #1630

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I suppose, they'll announce the date, when post-production is over. Mark Gatiss implied something like that in one of his tweets. Big question is, when will post-production be over? 


"There is a place for people like you, the desperate, the terrified. The ones with nowhere else to run."
"What place?"
"221B Baker Street."

September 15, 2013 4:03 pm  #1631

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

End of this month?
Or possibly into the 1st week of October.


September 15, 2013 4:08 pm  #1632

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Doubt it.  It took them about 4 months to finish up post-production on the first two episodes, so we're probably looking at Novemeberish before they finish up episode 3.  Remember, these are feature-length episodes shot like a movie, not a tv episode.  They put a lot more into editing and sound design than your typical tv episode.

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

September 15, 2013 4:14 pm  #1633

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

This was my thinking:
A month edit per episode.
Each director edits his own episode.
S3 has 3 different directors.
So I am assuming eps 1& 2 are already done.


September 15, 2013 6:05 pm  #1634

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I don't quite remember exactly when they announced SCANDAL back in 2011, which aired Jan 1st, 2012. Could have been November. In any case, it was not a long time beforehand.

John: "Have you spoken to Mycroft, Molly, uh, anyone?"
Mrs Hudson: "They don’t matter. You do."



September 15, 2013 6:09 pm  #1635

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

But it was announced in the Summer of 2011, that it wouldn't be airing until 2012!
I think the BBC works in 3 month blocks.
They will have a November-January block, I reckon, to cover Xmas/New Year...
So I'm not hopeful that the show will get shown in the next couple of months or so...


September 15, 2013 6:51 pm  #1636

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

besleybean wrote:

So I'm not hopeful that the show will get shown in the next couple of months or so...

Ah come on, you can't be serious..... 


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan

September 15, 2013 6:53 pm  #1637

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

besleybean wrote:

But it was announced in the Summer of 2011, that it wouldn't be airing until 2012!
I think the BBC works in 3 month blocks.
They will have a November-January block, I reckon, to cover Xmas/New Year...
So I'm not hopeful that the show will get shown in the next couple of months or so...

I've also been thinking about the end of November as a possible air date for the first episode. Still seems not that unlikely to me, but maybe it's only wishful thinking on my side.
It would be nice if they came forward with a definite air date really soon now, so we would at least have that uncertainty out of the way and can concentrate fully on worrying about how episode three is going to end.


"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."

September 15, 2013 6:54 pm  #1638

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

Well I certainly think not before November, more likely December and most likely of all January..


September 15, 2013 7:11 pm  #1639

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

I think November is out because of the big Doctor Who anniversary special on the 23rd.  I just don't see BBC putting up a competing show when they are pushing that.  They would want to wait until afterwards when all of the hype has died down.

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
     Thread Starter

September 15, 2013 7:14 pm  #1640

Re: Series 3 discussion SPOILER THREAD!!! WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!

You'd think...incidentally...have you all heard the rumour?!

DW Spoiler alert!)

Benedict was spotted on location for DW.


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