The fic is called "Crossing Bridges", inspired by the canon story "The Problem of Thor Bridge". It's a mixture of Johnlock love story (fluffy, but explicit) and case fic, currently 33,500 words long. It still needs an epilogue, the rest is written. Thanks to Susi and beasley, the language should be mostly mistake-free, but the plot is still bothering me.
What I need now is someone who would take a closer look at the story as a whole and comment on the plot developement, character developement and narration pace.
And to be honest, I need someone who is honest and constructive, but gentle. My writer's ego is much more fragile than it might appear to be.
You might refrain from it if depression is some kind of trigger for you.
I'd be more than happy if someone would volunteer!
I already volunteered via pm before but just to mention it, I'm still interested.
I was hoping you would say so! I just didn't want to bother you, knowing you are working hard on your own fanfic right now. I'll send you "Bridges" via email.
Someone else also interested?
Yeah, I am - I tend not to read stories under <30,000 words as I enjoy reading so very mcuh.
Sounds like you fit in well! Anyway, I PM you my credentials
PM-ed back gladly!
If you still are interested, I'd love to take a look.
I beta for my daughter and she's happy with what I do if that's any help.
Schmiezi is on vacation, just to let you know
Thank you, Harriet!
butterfly, I'll PM you right away!
How would you describe me, Schmiezi? Resourceful, dynamic, enigmatic?
But extremely helpful. As you can see on AO3 or ff (or will be able to see, as soon as it is uploaded completely), many of the ideas you had made it into the final version. And even the things I dismissed gave me reason to think it all through again. I'm very grateful. Hence the mentioning of you in the "Thank you" notes.