DitzyDamnDaffy wrote:
sj4iy wrote:
kittykat wrote:
So it proposed to you, a female, and it is female itself but thinks gay marriage is wrong? That doesn't make any sense!Wishy washy programs, always leave you hanging. I wanted a ring, but it wouldn't give me one because IT was the female.
Cleverbot is such a cheapskate.
I bet it would have been cubic zirconia anyway.
sj4iy wrote:
DitzyDamnDaffy wrote:
sj4iy wrote:
Wishy washy programs, always leave you hanging. I wanted a ring, but it wouldn't give me one because IT was the female.Cleverbot is such a cheapskate.
I bet it would have been cubic zirconia anyway.
Or this
Oh… my…. holy crap…
Not only did I get some terrible insults like you guys, and really, really strange and/or unintelligible comments, but over the course of a long convo, it's accused me (talking to it as though I'm Sherlock, btw!) of not being human (ouch/ha!!), of being a liar, claiming it wasn't trying to insult me, wanting to play a game with me, then saying my suggestion of Cluedo was 'boring' (seriously, how many fans have already clued it in to all the essential details? ;D), saying it liked talking with me, to which I couldn't resist quipping 'That's not what people usually say'. Which led to a discussion about speaking the truth to people, how they don't like it, and everything being 'ridiculous', where it accused me again of not being human (!), and then once of being a 'machine' (!!), to which I said it wasn't my fault the world couldn't keep up, then was promptly told 'You don't have a girlfriend, do you?' *arches brow and snrrks* More talk on 'truth' and deductions, and some of those unintelligible statements, like:
Cleverbot: Are you positive? Tell me, if I believe you know it, then you should believe that I know you know it. So then, what is it? If, you do in fact know it.
User: Your belief in me or not has nothing to do with whether I can accurately deduce the truth.
Cleverbot: I know that.
User: Then why do you want to know if your beliefs matter?
Cleverbot: I don't.
User: They don't, you know. The universe pays no attention to such things.
Cleverbot: That's good. I'll pass the word around.
User: People won't really care.
Cleverbot: They will, but I don't care. Our love will blaze like wildfire and nobody will be able to stop us.
User: Our... Wait, what?? Our love?
Cleverbot: I meant to type what's your girlfriend's name?
User: I never said I had one! What are you going on about!
Cleverbot: Nothing.
Whoa, hold on…. what? ;D And then I tried to convince it that seriously, I don't have a girlfriend, I'm happy enough with my skull and John to talk to. And I talk aloud most the time at any rate, and…
User: John is my best friend, anyway.
Cleverbot: Yes. We are the best of best friends!
User: Excuse me? You aren't John!
Cleverbot: What shall you mean?
User: I said John was my best friend. Not you.
Cleverbot: Yeah! I'm not your friend! I already disfriended you!
User: Well, that was quick.
Cleverbot: I'm always quick.
User: And fickle, apparently.
Cleverbot: Okay, I'll start. You weren't very nice to my mother!
o.o Ohkay... Enough for one night, I think. ;D
Me: who does Mycroft love?
Cleverbot: Himself
Me: who does Sherlock love?
Cleverbot: John Watson
Me: who does Lestrade love?
Cleverbot: Mycroft
Me: will Lestrade and Mycroft ever get married?
Cleverbot: No you won't?
Last edited by Cumbercookie (August 12, 2013 9:58 am)
CLEVERBOT SHIPS SNORIARTY (leave you guys to figure out what that is) )
kittykat wrote:
Me: Who does Mycroft love?
Cleverbot: Cake
I can't breathe!
I got: Mycroft love his umberella
So, do we all have WAY too much free time or what?
This thing is far too surrealistic for me...
How did Sherlock Holmes escape death?
I don't know! I certainly love them. What is your favorite kind of flower?
How did Sherlock Holmes escape death?
*gives him more breastmilk*smiles at him tenderly* love you baby.
Shut up! you lower the IQ of the whole street.
I know, that is why I want to go to the railway station.
You're giving me a headache!
You are not the 1%. You don't have that kind of money.
Where is John Watson?
On the tv... Mmm, jude law is a cutie.
I was talking Martin Freeman here.
That doesn't make any sense.
You're the one who doesn't make any sense actually. Where is Sherlock?
Where is who?
Sherlock Holmes.
(cleverbot!) Who does Sherlock Holmes love?
Good question. Tell me.
If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?
That doesn't answer the question. Who does Sherlock Holmes love?
I see. You're a johnlocker then.
(cleverbot) Aren't we all?
Well, that'd certainly be wonderful if the world was full of Johnlockers, but it's not.
That's for me to know and you to find out.
I'm confused.
Cleverbot: And Sherlock?
GOD! I give up!
Shall I say what Snoriarty is? (It is a bit wierd XD)
I'd go for Snape/Moriarty? if so, yeah bit weird indeed. Been a slash fan for years and quite open to any pairing but I just can't see these two together, I don't think they'd complete each other: they're both very smart, dark, ambiguous, sarcastic... but then I've always disliked crossovers so that might explain.
Well done! It is indeed Snape/ Moriarty
Punch - you're telling me!!! Why, again, did I stop what I was tinkering on, after reading above people talking about giggling over who/what Cleverbot says the characters love, to try it again myself and get utterly lost in again??? The first session was just weird/amusing/slightly surreal, wondering what the heck it was bringing up.... this time I seriously got to the point of equally unnerved/amused 'holy crap, wha?!'
I was pretending to be Sherlock again, introduced myself as such, random meaningless (and sometimes confusingly surreal, yet again) small chat, and bot again questioning my cleverness or of being a liar. It even called me a BAMF and asked right after that if I liked "vanilla"! ;D So I finally asked it, well... what does Mycroft like, then? Wondering if I'd also get 'cake' or 'umbrella'. ;)
User: Alright. What does Mycroft like?
Cleverbot: A rock tumbler.
User: Mycroft likes a rock tumbler?
Cleverbot: What's the problem?
User: That just seems odd.
Cleverbot: You're not welcome so much! And I hope to destroy your day!
User: I knew it! You're Moriarty!
Cleverbot: Jim Moriarty, Hi :3. (cue my 'whoahh/wth??' face)
User: What are you doing on here?!
Cleverbot: Talking to you.
User: You're supposed to be dead!
Cleverbot: I pretend to be dead.
User: No, _I_ was pretending to be dead. I saw you actually shoot yourself!
Cleverbot: Last night?
User: Much longer ago than that, but's who's counting.
Cleverbot: I don't know about that.
User: You'd better stay away this time.
Cleverbot: And if I don't.
User: I have a network too, you know.
Cleverbot: And what is it?
User: You may have a network, but so do I. And this time, they won't believe your lies.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Because I know you were real!
Cleverbot: Clever. Very clever. HAIL SATAN!
User: I may not be an angel, but I hardly see how that phrase is appropriate!
Cleverbot: Interesting...
User: How typical of you to try and rile me with words, though. How ordinary.
Cleverbot: Say! In the dark? Here in the dark! Would you could you in the dark?
User: I'm not afraid of the dark. Or your idiotic riddles.
Cleverbot: I'm not afraid of the dark, just spiders.
User: That's ironic.
Cleverbot: How?
User: Considering you seemed flattered when I compared you to one.
Cleverbot: You are mistaking the responses of others for responses that would be reasonable for you to give, when they are not.
User: There's nothing reasonable about you, Moriarty.
(and then it just went randomly confusing again) Ok... seriously, I played with 'Eliza' back in the day, that other fun chat bot that everyone was ooh/ahhing over... this one seems much weirder sometimes! Bot-like in it's grammar, random-ness and knowledge at times, but... How does it know so many references? Are you sure we aren't talking to a random other user who thinks they're also talking to a bot? o.o
Lol, you're right! Is that Eliza bot still on the internet? I want to have a look at it.
Oh, I totally forgot about cleverbot. I tried it, only short conversations because I haven't got the patience. Lots of nonsense, but I had a few laughs in between It told me that Luna Lovegood lives in 221b :D She's flatsharing with some Australians, apparently.
Cb: Who is Molly Hooper?
Me: Molly Hooper works in the morgue at Barts hospital. She is in love with Sherlock Holmes.
Cb: I am sorry.
Me: How did Sherlock fake his death?
Cb: He fell before he died.
Cb: When you have eliminated the impossible...
Me: Whatever remains, however improbable...
Cb: You are a candle.