I mentioned this a while ago, but the Sherlockian Violin Society is now fully ready and I'm officially launching it today, right now, with you guys. You're the first people I've really told about it.
Website is up and running, badges and membership cards, letterheaded paper, PayPal account, all sorted.
congrats, it sounds great!
I play the piano but decided lately to give a chance to the violin and I bought one two weeks ago. I know I now have a long way ahead of me, especially as I will learn it all by myself...
Well keep at it. The violin's a really cool instrument! I've been playing for about a year now and I'm still pretty crap at it. I can play the Sherlock theme, Irene's theme, the Jeremy Brett theme, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, God Save The Queen and Auld Lang Syne. Not got round to Bach yet.
My daughter wants to learn violin (she's 4 1/2), so I will start her on lessons next year. I gave her the choice of learning whichever instrument she wants, and she's stuck with violin from the start.
I play crap piano myself (only took 2 1/2 years a while back, so I suck), but I love music and I want my kids to at least learn to appreciate music, so I don't care what instrument they want to learn to play.
Oooooh! Awesome! I haven't played the violin for years, due to the fact my teacher accidently broke it *grumbles*
, but now I'm finally in the process of getting it fixed! A friend is offering to do it for free!
*dances* I'll need to do some serious brushing up (to put it midly
) though...Unfortunately I can't afford the fee for the society right now, but once I find a job I'll definitely be joining up! It's a great idea
Hey there!
Yeah, you're only allowed to register once you've become a member.
ah, I would love to join you all but...
I'm a viola player
I even get my strings from Cardiff Violins, in a pinch (its generally cheaper to order them from America)
I've got a violin, just for my Holmes collection, but I am unable to play it unfortunately.
beekeeper wrote:
ah, I would love to join you all but... I'm a viola player
Q: Define a true gentleman.
A: One who can play the Viola, and won't.
Aaaaaand: How do you tell when a Violist is out of tune?
A: The bow is moving.
Lastly, What is the range of a Viola?
A: About 30 feet, if you kick it hard enough.
I stop now. Because, by g*d, there are really enough violin jokes out there too ;)
beekeeper wrote:
ah, I would love to join you all but...
I'm a viola player
I even get my strings from Cardiff Violins, in a pinch (its generally cheaper to order them from America)
lol. Well I do play the violin too, like every other viola player on the planet.
I choose to play the viola .
So bring on the jokes because, yk, its unlikely I've heard any of them before ;-)
beekeeper wrote:
lol. Well I do play the violin too, like every other viola player on the planet.
I choose to play the viola.
So bring on the jokes because, yk, its unlikely I've heard any of them before ;-)
Hey, every orchestra needs violas
WOW. Seems cool. I wish I could play. I have one. I tried once. But the fact that it didn't have frets totally threw me. IDK. Perhaps I should dig it out, and give it another go....but....HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR NOTES ARE?! Gah! I tried to teach myself, as I am too poor for a proper teacher. I had a book, and bought a video. But both failed to help educate my guitar fingers in the ways violin speak.
Last edited by VaticanCameoBrooch (January 11, 2014 11:03 am)
So, for some reason my forum that I set up as part of the Sherlockian Violin Society got taken down. I'm not sure whether it was because I didn't have enough members or, didn't post regularly enough to be deemed as active or whatehaveyou, but I've decided to simply redirect the Forum button to this specific topic here on this forum. That way, members of the society will get the chance to sign up here and interact with other Sherlock fans here too, as well as having their own topic to discuss violiny type stuff.
Hello! Just registered. Glad to have found you!
SherlockHound wrote:
Where do I have to send the membership form and so on to join up? I'm missing it on the website for some reason... If you could help me out, it'd be much appreciated.
Oh, hang on... send details to the e-mail address?
Yeah, to the email address.
Iwantthatcoat wrote:
Hello! Just registered. Glad to have found you!
Hello! I received your email. Your membership card will be on its way to you shortly!