I can't wait to see his costume in action ;)
sj4iy wrote:
I can't wait to see his costume in action ;)
Oh. God. Yes!
Wow....... interesting! Sure, there's always uncertainty with the new guy filling the shoes, but considering I didn't even know him, or any of the previous actors for that matter (which is usually their intent that works well), had no idea what to think. Who else was even known to be in the running? Must admit first response was a thoughtfully intrigued 'huh'. Peter Capaldi? Who? ;) Well, at least glad they're mixing up just a little with the 'youth' and 'looks'. Almost a little creepy looking, in fact. But he must be good, to have sold them (and have been in many of the roles he has), so hopefully brings an interesting personality (if not snarky, considering what I hear him known for).
Which brings me to what followed, of immediately checking his imdb. And am I the only one finding it strange/funny/intriguing the number of little "crossovers"..... of course they know him from previously being on DW and Torchwood (odd continuity, but eh), but also acting in Fortysomething and Fifth Estate with the beeb's other famous lead! ;) And long ago, in the Neverwhere tv series as Islington, who as we all know, has also been done by their certain aforementioned lead! ;) Then it gets downright into quirky near-foreshadowing, as he was in World War Z as a doctor working for the World Health Organization (also known as, yes, W.H.O.) ;D
Sounds like you guys have enjoyed his dramatic abilities, though?
Russell wrote:
Wow....... interesting! Sure, there's always uncertainty with the new guy filling the shoes, but considering I didn't even know him, or any of the previous actors for that matter (which is usually their intent that works well), had no idea what to think. Who else was even known to be in the running? Must admit first response was a thoughtfully intrigued 'huh'. Peter Capaldi? Who? ;) Well, at least glad they're mixing up just a little with the 'youth' and 'looks'. Almost a little creepy looking, in fact. But he must be good, to have sold them (and have been in many of the roles he has), so hopefully brings an interesting personality (if not snarky, considering what I hear him known for).
Which brings me to what followed, of immediately checking his imdb. And am I the only one finding it strange/funny/intriguing the number of little "crossovers"..... of course they know him from previously being on DW and Torchwood (odd continuity, but eh), but also acting in Fortysomething and Fifth Estate with the beeb's other famous lead! ;) And long ago, in the Neverwhere tv series as Islington, who as we all know, has also been done by their certain aforementioned lead! ;) Then it gets downright into quirky near-foreshadowing, as he was in World War Z as a doctor working for the World Health Organization (also known as, yes, W.H.O.) ;D
Sounds like you guys have enjoyed his dramatic abilities, though?
I think there are only about 200 actors in the UK total and they all have to take turns ;)
/I kid, I kid
//does seem that way sometimes, though
///who HASN'T been on Doctor Who by this point?
Seems like the best way to get a major role in Doctor Who is to first had a minor one.
Michele wrote:
Seems like the best way to get a major role in Doctor Who is to first had a minor one.
It worked for Amy! ;D
Russell wrote:
Michele wrote:
Seems like the best way to get a major role in Doctor Who is to first had a minor one.
It worked for Amy! ;D
Not for Matt Smith, though XD
sj4iy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Michele wrote:
Seems like the best way to get a major role in Doctor Who is to first had a minor one.
It worked for Amy! ;DNot for Matt Smith, though XD
It worked for Martha and Gwen Cooper (Torchwood).
Michele wrote:
sj4iy wrote:
Russell wrote:
It worked for Amy! ;DNot for Matt Smith, though XD
It worked for Martha and Gwen Cooper (Torchwood).
Colin Baker was an extra during Davison's era, and then became the next Doctor. But other than Capaldi, I think he was the only Doctor to have been in the show beforehand.
I think you're right but still... hilarious!
Don't think I'd count Bernard Cribbins, because he was the same character both times. He was referenced in The End of Time that it was his destiny that was colliding with the Doctor's, not just Donna's.
Matt Smith is the first doctor I watched and I think he's the bee's knees. Watching him regenerate into an old man is probably not going to be much fun. I suppose it's to be deplored that for me a young and personable actor in the main role is a plus for any show, and that I should be above such things but...I'm not bad, I was just made that way!
Why not much fun? To me it doesn't matter if he regenerates into an older or younger person, I think it can look superb in both cases (if we put away all this sadness of the 11th having to go)... And regenerating constantly into a younger man would be a bit boring and quickly get trite, and now we have a change at least
tonnaree wrote:
Ronnie Pilfrey is the new Doctor?
Seriously...this'll be interesting
biscuitbear wrote:
Matt Smith is the first doctor I watched and I think he's the bee's knees. Watching him regenerate into an old man is probably not going to be much fun. I suppose it's to be deplored that for me a young and personable actor in the main role is a plus for any show, and that I should be above such things but...I'm not bad, I was just made that way!
It's okay to feel a little trepidation about it...but really, it would be the same with any actor, young or old. People thought that Matt Smith was too young for the role last time...they were convinced of it. It took Smith all of 30 seconds in "The End of Time pt 2" to change most people's minds, and then "The Eleventh Hour" convinced the rest. I'm betting Capaldi will be the same way for people thinking "he's too old" ;)
Personally I'm not fussed about age. If I were to pick a favourite doctor at present I would say Matt Smith but I haven't watched any of the old series. I loved 9 and 10 though. And I have no doubt I'll love 12 too. It's something like getting a new pair of shoes. They feel a bit odd at first but after awhile they get really comfortable.
I really can't wait to see how Peter Capaldi plays it!
I'm wondering if it will be a bit darker in tone than Smith's because of the age difference. I'm fine with that, btw, because Moffat can do dark very well while keeping it light enough to stay watchable. I will definitely miss Matt Smith, because I his Doctor was such a pleasure to watch, but I do look forward to Capaldi Honestly, the hardest part is waiting.
sj4iy wrote:
I'm wondering if it will be a bit darker in tone than Smith's because of the age difference. I'm fine with that, btw, because Moffat can do dark very well while keeping it light enough to stay watchable. I will definitely miss Matt Smith, because I his Doctor was such a pleasure to watch, but I do look forward to Capaldi
Honestly, the hardest part is waiting.
Will be interesting to see how he plays it. I read a quote (which I now can't find) that Moffat said that he doesn't right differently for each actor as The Doctor. When Matt Smith was cast he had the first bit written and it sounded right coming from Tennant and Smith. He said that the difference was totally up to the actors interpretation of it.
No, it's Peter Capaldi that's the next doctor. who is he? i've not heard of him. and he's 55 years old. (ok I know about him, just never seen him before as I live in the USA anyway) I am not looking fwd to Matt going. Tennant was my fav dr and I'll always miss him. Is Clara going to be the new dr's companion too?
sherlockskitty wrote:
No, it's Peter Capaldi that's the next doctor. who is he? i've not heard of him. and he's 55 years old. (ok I know about him, just never seen him before as I live in the USA anyway) I am not looking fwd to Matt going. Tennant was my fav dr and I'll always miss him. Is Clara going to be the new dr's companion too?
Yep, Peter Capaldi is the next Doctor. He's an Oscar winning director and acclaimed actor for his role as Malcolm Tucker in "In the Thick of It". I definitely don't want Matt Smith to go, but thems the breaks...and he is my favorite Doctor above everyone else. Clara will start out being the next Doctor's companion, and will probably stick with him for at least another series.