Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose failth in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose failth in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose failth in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)
Last edited by SolarSystem (August 6, 2013 7:52 pm)
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)'
we are very loyal
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)'
we are very loyal
we fight John Watson's war
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)'
we are very loyal
we fight John Watson's war
we wouldn't mind if Sherlock x-perimented on us
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)'
we are very loyal
we fight John Watson's war
we wouldn't mind if Sherlock x-perimented on us
we say Oh God Yes on a regular basis
Why we all are a little Watson
we adore Sherlock
we are never bored with Sherlock
we want to be Sherlock's moral compass
we love to see Sherlock wearing the deerstalker
we try to teach him empathy
we like him being himself even if he appears to be a freak
we believe in him being a good man
we make "people" into heroes, although heroes don't exist
we wouldn't mind if he'd call us idiot, because practically everyone is
we would like it if he'd call us Jawn
we know he's for real and not a fraud
we love him just the way John does
we would jump at Moriarty and tell Sherlock to run
we would never lose faith in Sherlock
we owe him so much
we might be mistaken when we think we can tell whether he is play-acting or not
we have questions
we know he's for real
we are strong and patient. (ahem)
we have trust issues
we find him unbelievably extraordinary (and would never tell him to piss off)'
we are very loyal
we fight John Watson's war
we wouldn't mind if Sherlock x-perimented on us
we say Oh God Yes on a regular basis
we would run after Sherlock zigzagging through the city or the forest
That was lovely. What now? How about:
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that.
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
]Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
We'd only have to sleep when totally exhausted.
Last edited by SusiGo (August 8, 2013 6:36 pm)
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
We'd only have to sleep when totally exhausted.
We'd fancy firing at the smiley face at the wall in case of boredom.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
We'd only have to sleep when totally exhausted.
We'd fancy firing at the smiley face at the wall in case of boredom.
We'd have a great time whenever the game is on.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
We'd only have to sleep when totally exhausted.
We'd fancy firing at the smiley face at the wall in case of boredom.
We'd have a great time whenever the game is on.
We'd have an excuse to name one of the kids Hamish.
Why we sometimes would like to be Sherlock
We'd like to be able to avoid Anderson also.
We'd like to be able to walk into the Baskerville facility just like that/
We'd like to be the little brother of the British government.
We'd sometimes like not to care what other people think.
We'd be able to enjoy domestic bliss in 221B - at least from time to time.
We'd only have to sleep when totally exhausted.
We'd fancy firing at the smiley face at the wall in case of boredom.
We'd have a great time whenever the game is on.
We'd have an excuse to name one of the kids Hamish.
We'd enjoy to irritate the ice-man.