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July 28, 2013 3:23 am  #521

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Aw... I was just thinking the same earlier.  But instead of being able to post any pics, I'm thudded on my desk here.....     


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

July 28, 2013 4:17 am  #522

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Mr. Freeman certainly does know how to dress himself..............

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

July 28, 2013 5:11 pm  #523

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Mary Me wrote:


Just wow! I love the way he dresses, always stylish, always very conscious of what he is wearing!


"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."

July 28, 2013 6:21 pm  #524

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Ironic.  Fashion wise he and Ben are the exact opposites of John and Sherlock.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

July 29, 2013 12:55 am  #525

Re: Favourite Martin pics


Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

July 29, 2013 3:30 am  #526

Re: Favourite Martin pics

And honestly.... how can you not smile at this face?     


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

July 29, 2013 6:14 pm  #527

Re: Favourite Martin pics



Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


July 30, 2013 7:10 pm  #528

Re: Favourite Martin pics


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


July 31, 2013 1:31 pm  #529

Re: Favourite Martin pics


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


July 31, 2013 1:59 pm  #530

Re: Favourite Martin pics

kittykat wrote:

John's almost-perpetual "WTF, Sherlock?" pose. *smile*


July 31, 2013 2:10 pm  #531

Re: Favourite Martin pics

kittykat wrote:

 I like that one. As if John needs a shock blanket. It is probably the first time they look into each other's eyes. And John is practically asking himself: Who is this guy? He is really strange.


August 1, 2013 1:08 pm  #532

Re: Favourite Martin pics


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 1, 2013 2:06 pm  #533

Re: Favourite Martin pics

kittykat wrote:

So, you got a boyfriend then? It's okay if you do...


August 1, 2013 4:57 pm  #534

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Martin continues to not be impressed by you!     


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.

August 1, 2013 5:00 pm  #535

Re: Favourite Martin pics

I'm sorry, I can't take that face seriously! We know what he's really like! 


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 1, 2013 5:25 pm  #536

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Headmaster Freeman is not pleased with your behavior. You shall be punished.
*looks forward to punishment*


August 1, 2013 5:44 pm  #537

Re: Favourite Martin pics

ancientsgate wrote:

Headmaster Freeman is not pleased with your behavior. You shall be punished.
*looks forward to punishment*

Ooooh, yes captain!


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 2, 2013 3:02 pm  #538

Re: Favourite Martin pics


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


August 2, 2013 6:11 pm  #539

Re: Favourite Martin pics

Martin, the sofa, the shirt, the wallpaper: all tone in tone,  all of a piece.
Edit: And the cushion as well - never noticed that one before!

Last edited by tobeornot221b (August 2, 2013 6:13 pm)

John: "Have you spoken to Mycroft, Molly, uh, anyone?"
Mrs Hudson: "They don’t matter. You do."



August 2, 2013 6:20 pm  #540

Re: Favourite Martin pics

That wallpaper's awful, isn't it?


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


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