It was a tough decision, but I finally chose Molly. She's quiet and brainy and broke up with a serial murderer- Molly's great!
Lestrade! And for several reasons, one being that he has more depth and is vastly more interesting than any other Lestrade in any other Sherlock Holmes adaptation I've seen, and I sense that he does have some genuine level of affection and loyalty towards Sherlock. I like the BBC Lestrade much better than the Lestrade in the books. Rupert does a fantastic job playing him! Another example of stellar casting
Last edited by SilverMoonDragonB (May 22, 2013 7:15 pm)
Moriarty's now my favorite character after Sherlock and John, I think. Though, Molly is lovely. But I love Irene. But Mycroft! Lestrade! Mrs. Hudson! Ouh, it's difficult to make a decision.
It would be easier to have a "least loved character" lol. My vote would immediately go to Irene, and then Donovan. Then it'd be Molly. Don't get me wrong, I find her really kind and like her much better than Irene, I often feel pity for her too (those words Sherlock tells them at christmas are just horrible) but I don't know, she gets on my nerves because she would nearly apologize for existing. Reminds me a bit of me and I absolutely hate being like that soooo...
It's really hard to pick one...
It was about actor performance, I'd say Moriarty, because Andrew Scott's really amazing! Well, and I love Moriarty's intelligence.
.Lestrade's really nice. I love the way he trusts Sherlock, even in RBF.
Mrs Hudson is lovely. She's not your typical old woman. She's got nerves and humour, and I love how she cares about the boys without letting them walk all over her.
But my vote finally goes to Mycroft. He piques my curiousity. He is really intelligent (in the canon, he is said to have even more impressive deductive powers than Sherlock), I love his sarcasm and the way he truly seems to care about his little brother. I just love his interaction with Sherlock, and also with John.
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
And for several reasons, one being that he has more depth and is vastly more interesting than any other Lestrade in any other Sherlock Holmes adaptation I've seen, and I sense that he does have some genuine level of affection and loyalty towards Sherlock. I like the BBC Lestrade much better than the Lestrade in the books. Rupert does a fantastic job playing him! Another example of stellar casting
And good lookin' too. *whistles and acts innocent* Lestrade's actor is hunky.
Lestrade is awesome. I wonder what it would be like if John, Sherlock, and him really went on vacation....and not in Baskerville.
Chiblits wrote:
Lestrade is awesome. I wonder what it would be like if John, Sherlock, and him really went on vacation....and not in Baskerville.
That episode needs to be made. It would be hilarious!
Michele wrote:
Chiblits wrote:
Lestrade is awesome. I wonder what it would be like if John, Sherlock, and him really went on vacation....and not in Baskerville.
That episode needs to be made. It would be hilarious!
Indeed, I think they should have at least one completely silly, has nothing to do with the story episode of pure chaotic randomness. That vacation episode would include all of that. Though if Sherlock didn't have a case to work on he'd probably make his own somehow wherever their destination of paradise may be.
From the first glimpse of Moriarty I couldn't do anything but love him! When he turned up and started to talk, first being calm and seemed to be controlled (evil, but controlled) but then suddenly has his first burst and you realize that this guy is really mad.
And of course the entire scene 'stealing ' the crown juwels is just... you definitely see that Andrew Scott had fun of a lifetime doing this!
And the thing with the chewing gum by court...
And then his look by court when Sherlock tells he felt an immediate connection between him and Moriarty...
And his ringtone...
So this wasn't a hard choice really.
James Norrington wrote:
From the first glimpse of Moriarty I couldn't do anything but love him! When he turned up and started to talk, first being calm and seemed to be controlled (evil, but controlled) but then suddenly has his first burst and you realize that this guy is really mad.
And of course the entire scene 'stealing ' the crown juwels is just... you definitely see that Andrew Scott had fun of a lifetime doing this!
And the thing with the chewing gum by court...
And then his look by court when Sherlock tells he felt an immediate connection between him and Moriarty...
And his ringtone...
So this wasn't a hard choice really.
Same here, I just fell for the guy immediately (or Andrew's performance? Oh, what the heck! ).
And at the end of the episode I immediately had to go back to the scene in the lab and watch the Jim-from-IT-thing again. It all made sense then and was even more hilarious.
I've always been wondering by the way: was it just me being too dumb or did anynone really suspect 'Jim from IT' being the bad guy while watching the lab scene for the first time...? I was so naive... yeah, well, why can't people think? There you go...
I love Mycroft very much as well, by the way, ans also Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade and Molly. Irene on the other hand didn't do anything for me... my boyfriend loves her, though.
I freeking adore Irene Adler and Moriarty. Finally voted for Irene. I don't get the hate towards her. Is it because of that childish affectation "Oh-no-she-gets-between-Johnlock" or do people just don't see that she's gorgeous? I'm okay when people are not very fond of her but there's just too much obvious antipathy. Either way, I think no character in the show deserves to be hated. Except maybe, Donovan.
Last edited by Mary Me (October 27, 2013 11:06 pm)
This was a hard question! But ultimately I chose Moriarty. I'm not sure if I would have choosen him if it wasn't for Andrew Scott's AMAZING portrayal of him. After Moriarty, it's Lestrade. I love him to pieces!
I voted for Molly, but I also really like Mrs. Hudson.
I just love how no one has chosen Anderson.
Molly and Mrs. Hudson.
Since the last episode I started becoming a real Lestrade fan
I voted for Molly. I like Mrs. Hudson, even more now that I know of her lengthy acting career, but my heart goes out to Molly, in part because the situation of her role on the show. But, she's also a good actor. Her facial expressions are right on, for the little bits she gets to do. She can say a lot with her eyes and crinkled lips. Did I mention she's cute?
However, I did recently look at a cast shot, with Mycroft, Mollie, Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Watson, Sherlock, and maybe one or two more, and realized, I really like ALL the characters they showed. Unusual for me for a TV series.
Last edited by zydeholic (January 21, 2014 7:36 pm)
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
And for several reasons, one being that he has more depth and is vastly more interesting than any other Lestrade in any other Sherlock Holmes adaptation I've seen
MollyHfan wrote:
And Moriarty...well, he wins the poll, but I personally can't get myself to like him or even to find him funny. Still too damaged by Reichenbach presumably...
To me, Moriarty is too much of a runt for me to take him seriously in that role. I have to go with the "suspension of disbelief" thing when he is on. His acting is great. His body type just doesn't do it for me.
I guess the same could go for Watson slightly too. I can see how it works between he and Sherlock, i.e. Watson always looking up to Sherlock, but........
Last edited by zydeholic (January 21, 2014 7:48 pm)
Would you care to elaborate?
Particularly the body type things.