I've only just found out about Tumblr through getting into Sherlock, and still really have no idea what it's about or how it all works, but I found a list on LiveJournal of all the different Sherlock related Tumblrs, so thought I'd post them here...if anyone can enlighten me on what it's all about I'd be most grateful!
Wow, that's a lot!
Last edited by Sherlock Holmes (February 24, 2012 5:41 pm)
I too started peeking there since Sherlock began.
I really only go there to see if there are any interesting pics etc, some of that stuff is ridiculous. and most of it is repeated time after time. I 'followed' a few, then started unfollowing the ones who posted porn stuff etc about Sherlock & John. I'm a little past that stage, it really doesn't interest me and I think it's a huge insult to some very fine actors.
Don't ask me how it works, I just look around and giggle at some and scroll past the rest.
Lol yeah, I'm married with a kid so not really interested in all that porn stuff either...(despite my current signature - i just found that particular interchance amusing)
I started my own Sherlock Tumblr to try and make friends with people & promote this forum...please follow me if you have an account there: