All I can suggest is that it is probably down to scheduling. If they can only air 5 episodes but have 6. It does seem a bit bizarre really.
I think they need two equally long time slots. But I don't see why they had to cut scenes for that.
Am I the only one who thought MARTIN AND DOUGLAS!! whenever Christopher and General Campion had a scene together?
Just watched it with my best friend. Oh my god, Benedict was extremely gorgeous. In the last scene with Sylvia and Valentine he was sooo good! All in all, it is a really lovely series. So glad I could watch it.
Yes, it was quite stunning. The tension made my chest hurt - I was surprised by this rather sweet end
I recorded it and could start it again from the beginning right know
I was absolutely bawling at the end of it. Just the release of all of the tension, I guess. Great drama.
This is not a picture thread, but - "Will you be my mistress tonight?"
That's what I call a good good night picture, Susi!
Sadly, I missed watching PE tonight - but I recorded it. And I have something to look forward to...
After a closer look I worked it out that they cut off a total of nearly 19 minutes from the original series.
This weird "make six out of five" is typical for German TV, where every episode has to have a running time of 45 minutes (plus one minute "what happened so far" summary). Under any circumstances! Thus everything in my country is kept nice and neat.
Who cares for appropriateness...
Ha, I knew it!!!! 19 minutes?! WOW!
19 minutes? Ewwww! Not nice! HOW DARE THEY.
In case they will release that version on DVD, I will think twice if I buy it or not
EDIT: It looks like it has 287 minutes just like the english version...
Last edited by Harriet (June 16, 2013 12:06 pm)
I never thought that "German" dvds could be different to the english version - as it is not cut for tv. If you know what I mean.
I'm just glad it looks now not like an "arte-edition"
In the worst case there is still the possibility to go to
amazon sucks...
And I need a german version
Your choice.
Parade's End will be repeated on arte on Sunday, 14 July. 12:55-17:35
Arte to rebroadcast Parade's End on August 10 (episodes 1-3) and 17 (episodes 4-6):