I watched the first couple of minutes in French (but I'm not too familiar with his Sherlock's French voice so I can't tell if it was the same) then I realised I could switch to English and obviously did it, but it's new to me! I had never noticed I could do that on my tv. Nice stuff! lol.
Yeah, blond hair doesn't suit him well... I like him better either with his natural ginger colour or with darker hair.
I like it very much. It is challenging and I'll probably have to rewatch it a couple of times to fully understand it, but I kind of like that, especially in films with a historical setting. Benedict's acting was wonderful (and the other actors' too), the characters were complex - perfect!
QuiteExtraordinary wrote:
I like it very much.
It is challenging and I'll probably have to rewatch it a couple of times to fully understand it, but I kind of like that, especially in films with a historical setting. Benedict's acting was wonderful (and the other actors' too), the characters were complex - perfect!
I think, those are my feelings, too.
Agree also to Stoertebeker: Hubby said yesterday "It seems as if they run through a very thick book in a very short time." Hm....... yes. I think that's it exactly
Punch me in the face wrote:
I watched the first couple of minutes in French (but I'm not too familiar with his Sherlock's French voice so I can't tell if it was the same) then I realised I could switch to English and obviously did it, but it's new to me! I had never noticed I could do that on my tv. Nice stuff! lol.
I think some channels still offer this kind of two sounds. Called "Zweikanalton". In former times you could switch more often, owning a stereo-tv; don't know why they don't offer it anymore these days. I have to give it a try next friday on arte, maybe we can switch to English, too. But as far as I know here on arte we can switch between French and German.
I'm so glad you all liked it. I've watched this already three times and read the book and still discover new things in it. When watching it for the second or third time you see many details you haven't looked at before. For example the use of mirrors in many scenes. It's just wonderful.
As for stoertebeker's remark: The book also starts very abruptly as if in the middle of a story. That's the style of Ford. Many things are just hinted at and never told in detail.
Last edited by SusiGo (June 8, 2013 8:34 am)
I saw it, too, yesterday, although I have the dvd. It was very helpful for me to have it translated. Although I got the whole content before (saw it twice in English), there were still some - let´s say - "sounds", which I didn´t get. Now, because of the dubbing, it was very helpful for me that I didn´t have to concentrate on the language so much. I noticed subtleties which I didn´t see before (and of course lost something on the other side, but this I have in my mind). Therefore I will watch the second Arte part definitely as well. And for these who didn´t see it before: The film goes on more (commonly) structured, easy going (somehow ) and (even more) exciting in that part which follows now.
Last edited by anjaH_alias (June 8, 2013 9:02 am)
I've recorded it yesterday. We will watch it when we are done with "Hell on Wheels" (still two episodes left). Waiting is the prize for convincing hubby to watch it with me.
We've also recorded it yesterday. I was, shall we say, surprised that they chosed to give Tietjens the same german voice as for Sherlock. It's a really lovely and quite extraordinary series. Even in german it was hard to understand the plot in detail so I will give it another go and pay more attention the next time.
Mary Me wrote:
We've also recorded it yesterday. I was, shall we say, surprised that they chosed to give Tietjens the same german voice as for Sherlock. It's a really lovely and quite extraordinary series. Even in german it was hard to understand the plot in detail so I will give it another go and pay more attention the next time.
I've told Hubby that the plot is said to be quite difficult to follow. One of the arguments that convonced him to watch it. That, and that it was on HBO.
I simply never get over the scene with Christopher's father and the rabbit.
English society back then. Nothing else to do than to spread gossip.
But it's cruel to treat your son like that, isn't it?
SusiGo wrote:
But it's cruel to treat your son like that, isn't it?
It is indeed. And to be honest, I was shocked that he paid attention to the rumours about his son at all.
Schmiezi wrote:
... We will watch it when we are done with "Hell on Wheels" ...
"Hell on Wheels"!? Sounds.................................. interesting.
I liked it as well. Great camera, acting and characters. In spite of the dubbing, I still didn't get everything, but thanks arte I can watch it over and over again.
I enjoyed having so many curious characters - not one of them seems to be an open book, there are always surprises.
Benedict's PE-style is not my cuppa, but he plays in a way I found great to see nevertheless.
Hubby sat next to me laughing remarkably often - but later he claimed it was more boring than Proust
In spite of that, he added, it was still within the 2% top range of TV events. Well!
Last edited by Harriet (June 9, 2013 9:28 am)
Good to hear it passed the hubby test.
I did watch PE only once before, but already noticed that on arte there are obviously missing a lot of snippets of the original.
I hate when they do that!!
Shame on them for that!
Mattlocked wrote:
I did watch PE only once before, but already noticed that on arte there are obviously missing a lot of snippets of the original.
I hate when they do that!!
I wonder if the German dubbed DVD/Bluray (release date July 26th) will contain the original 287 minutes (plus the 49:06 minutes long "Behind the Scenes") or, more likely, the cut version as shown on ARTE. More likely because: What's the point of dubbing the whole series if you intend to make cuts anyway?
At this point (3 episodes have been shown so far) it's difficult to make comparisons between the original and the German episodes because ARTE made 6 out of the original 5 - with some flashbacks of the previous episodes at their respective beginnings.
Just for the record - if you're interested - here are the original episodes' lenghts:
1: 58:31 mins
2: 57:36 mins
3: 56:43 mins
4: 57:32 mins
5: 58:18 mins
Behind The Scenes: 49:06
It's a pity I don't have the time but someone should compare the English and German versions and see what they've cut out. I don't understand why they do this to a film the plot of which is sometimes difficult to follow. As Mattlocked pointed out e.g.we don't get the short glimpse of Christopher's mother but then learn that she has died. That makes no sense.