Just a little fun, dearies!
I've been known to sit and pet a feline (okay, there's just no "cool" way to say something like that, and quite a few ways to embarrass yourself...) for several minutes, and find it quite soothing. Until said feline starts digging in with her claws, but we'll let that go.
We also have five new barn kittens that soon (I hope) will start spreading joy in the lives of others.
Except the rodents! We used to have a cat who always 'nested' when she sat on your lap. Quite painful!
Well, firstly I don't like cats because I don't find them cute at all, they leave me completely indifferent.
Then I dislike their behaviour. They look at you like they think they are your masters, they make horrible baby noises under my windows at night when they're in heat and fight each other or try to seduce a female cat, they sometimes don't give a feck to you except when it's feeding time, they often, scratch you even if they do that for fun, their pee smell incredibly bad (I have a wire netting all over my little garden because the neighborhood cats would always come and dig in my garder to pooh, or pee) and I hate how they rub themselves against your legs.
I like dogs much better. Find them cute, loyal, and all. Just wouldn't have one myself, because I don't like physical contact (even in a relationship, unless during intimate moments *nudge nudge* , I don't like hugs and all, and if someone hugs me, I freeze and feel incredibly ill at ease) and it would get on my nerves the way they always come at you for hugs, lick you (yuck) and all.
Rodents are fine. They're unbearably cute. Of course, you don't have much interaction with them (except rats maybe, who are far more intelligent than hamsters, mice etc) but it's fine by me, they're funny, stay in their cage, don't require too much of attention (I mean, one day you can't take care much of them because you're too busy, they won't bear you a grudge or be that sad, and you can leave them a whole week end with food and water without worrying)
That's it
Pets rats and mice etc. are fine. Mice, but more especially rats, in a barn or on a yard are disgusting and spread diseases. Cats and terrier-type dogs certainly have a role to play in keeping vermin down.
Okay, we have six new barn cats, not five, as I thought before. They're all free to a good home...
Does anyone know how many holes I'd have to punch in the box to ship them FedEx (DHL, etc.) to my fellow forum members? ; /
Oh, and the wife and children decidedly that for the one mother who had four, each of us should name a kitten. Since I refused, they have now christened "mine"...Sherlock. Wonder why?
I'm currently owned by 2 cats, Ratio and Fred. And one dog - golden/pyranees cross named Sweetie Pi.
before the divorce from the manipulative bully with a narcicisstic personality disorder, all our animals were named mathmatically.
Polynomial - she was always hungry - what's wrong Poly? no meal?
yes, it started with a bad pun.
Then a lovely gentle tan dog entered our lives, Tangent.
A dilute calico (same ish colors as Poly) - Calculus
a pair of tiny identical gray tabbie cats - Sine and Cosine their personalities were 90 degrees apart.
An oversized Great Dane - Maxiumum.
I had two dreams in one night about a gray tabby kitten - the next day I saw what I swear was that kitten in an adoption window - his name was Ratio. clearly he was my cat.
He was best known as Brat until Fred came along. I'd decided that no matter what animal, sex or species came along next would be named Fred. It fits this cat so well.
Fred and Ratio became best buddies in about 8 hours. Now they play together so much, Ratio isn't so annoying. But he still curles up on my lap if I sit to watch a DVD. And Fred lays down on me full length as soon as I go to bed.
Sweetie Pi is just that. My big furry lump of a dog. Just what I was looking to adopt.
Love the mathematical names, butterfly grl. Especially Sine and Cosine. *smile*
I love cats, currently have an elderly tuxedo cat named Mazda Miata (Mia at the vet's office, and Maz plus all kinds of incomprehensible nicknames to us at home). If I could, I'd adopt two male kittens and name them Sherlock and Mycroft. Am *dying* to do that, but poor ol' Maz would have to move out.
I love tuxedo cats. I thought Ratio was an only cat until Fred arrived. Sweetie wants to be an only dog - no cats allowed - if I'm petting one, or if she's lying down and they're in line of sight. Otherwise, cats are fine.
My ex loved his Mazda Miata. I really hated driving it through 3 full term pregnancies.
butterfly grl wrote:
I love tuxedo cats. I thought Ratio was an only cat until Fred arrived. Sweetie wants to be an only dog - no cats allowed - if I'm petting one, or if she's lying down and they're in line of sight. Otherwise, cats are fine. My ex loved his Mazda Miata. I really hated driving it through 3 full term pregnancies.
I got my lady cat when she was only 5 months old, from our local state SPCA facility. I'll never forget when I first saw her. It was a busy Saturday at the shelter, and I was there with my 15 year old son. We were on a mission to replace a cat we'd just lost. I had no intention of getting a kitten, but she had double feet on all four white paws, and the cutest face you can imagine (she still does). She'd taken every single thing in her small cage and rolled it up into a ball-- the newspapers lining the cage, her small litter pan, her food dish, all were rolled up together where she'd been on a tear in there. Only thing that wasn't messed up was her water feed tube thing, but only because she couldn't unhitch it from the side, lol. She wanted to get out of there and go home with us SO BAD. And cute, did I remember to say cute?
The Mazda Miata name was given to her by one of the teenaged volunteers there, who said she was "just a shiny little black sports car of a kitten". And she was, so it stuck. And she's still shiny and sporty. *smile*
when I was a teenager, my family wanted to get a new cat as a companion for our aged tom. We found a beautiful Himalayan looking cat at the shelter, and brought her home on a Sunday afternoon.
2 weeks later, we hadn't settled on a name yet, so my Mom declared We got her on a Sunday, today is Sunday, her name is Sunday. lol.
She lived to 21.
butterfly grl wrote:
when I was a teenager, my family wanted to get a new cat as a companion for our aged tom. We found a beautiful Himalayan looking cat at the shelter, and brought her home on a Sunday afternoon.2 weeks later, we hadn't settled on a name yet, so my Mom declared We got her on a Sunday, today is Sunday, her name is Sunday. lol. She lived to 21.
Aww cute name. Like Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban's little girl, Sunday Rose. Naming pets and kids is hard work!
Sunday Rose...foul name!
besleybean wrote:
Sunday Rose...foul name!
I think it's pretty. ??? What's worse is Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new baby girl's name, North. So now the poor kid is North West. Oh, good lord.
Sorry, we're way OT here.
She could have been Sunday Best!
George Best is a better name!
I live on a farm with toooooo many pets. I have horses, goats, cows, chikens, geese, ducks, snakes, fish, dogs, cats, parrots.....You name it. However, MY pets include:
My lovable awesome Chihuahua named Spock
My Golden Retriever Aeris
Betta fish who has no name (I usually just refer to him as my little baby)
My ball python named Snake (from Metal Gear a video game), how original right?
And my flock of geese haha
I've had a few who have passed away this year already, but yup. Those are personally my pets haha.
EDIT: I am a horrible person! I forgot my Sulcata Tortoise I have, her name is Sahara!
Last edited by Chiblits (July 7, 2013 4:49 am)
I've had just about every animal you can think of for a pet growing up (on a farm)...but right now, we currently have a koi in a fishtank, and two pet rats...named Sherlock and John Sherlock has a black hood and black going down his back, and the rest of him is white (of course)...and John has a tan hood with some tan spots. They looked too much like the characters for me to not name them that, lol. They are very sweet and smart, and love to play.
Davina wrote:
Honk honk :3
sj4iy wrote:
I've had just about every animal you can think of for a pet growing up (on a farm)...but right now, we currently have a koi in a fishtank, and two pet rats...named Sherlock and John
Sherlock has a black hood and black going down his back, and the rest of him is white (of course)...and John has a tan hood with some tan spots. They looked too much like the characters for me to not name them that, lol. They are very sweet and smart, and love to play.
I want a pet rat sooo bad, but if I got one now I wouldn't be able to take it with me when I leave for school out of the country this fall. Although mark my words....I will be getting one when I come back and I especially want a sugar glider.
I had an 'incident' with a bloody goose when I was a kid. Not keen!