So glad to find this forum! I've really enjoyed reading the different views and ideas about these amazing programmes and would like to join in too ...
About me: I'm a Brit but have lived and worked in the US for years now but lived and worked in London for quite a few years before that. Jobwise: I know one end of a microscope from the other (but don't keep thumbs in my fridge).
I like a lot of things about living here but I still miss the UK a lot. Thank goodness for DVDs, and cheers, PBS, for enabling me to watch series 2. =)
Am still getting over the shock of seeing TRF yesterday evening. I'd managed to keep myself pretty much spoiler-free.
(Still taking a while to remember out how to post properly, etc etc so please bear with me).
Welcome to the forum Britigander!
We've people from all over here and plenty of Brits!
Hiya Britgander.
Well glad you've seen all the shows now cos it's a bit hard to dodge spoilers around here lately! lol
*note to self & other staff: if we're still around for season 3, we'll have to try & keep spoilers in one area!
Thanks, m0r, and enjoying the ease with which we can all converse across the miles
thanks and 'G'day' (it must be?) Kazza474... sounds a good plan indeed.
All the hard work of avoiding reading about it definitely paid off though. wipes away tear
Yeah G'day mate
Trust me, you think you cried watching Reichenbach, wait till you read all the theories. You'll be laughing, crying, puzzling, and doing a lot of smirking.
Next year, we'll all be deleting our old posts! (well not really, probably looking back & laughing)
Hmm, I'm just starting to go through all the things I wouldn't let myself open before :D Looking forward to it!
Unfortunately though at some point very soon I will have to actually get some sleep I tried to talk my boss into watching 'The Hounds' on Monday but I fear he's a bit too, err, focussed on real life to see the funny side of the glowing rabbit, (since we've just spent a serious heap of departmental money on getting the fancy lighting one really needs to make GFP glow) let alone me dozing off propped on the scope!
So - nice to meet yer - and
Last edited by Britigander (May 23, 2012 3:55 am)
Willkommen, Britigander!
*passes shock blanket and chocolate*
So you'll be waiting for season 3 together with us? Good choice!
Hello to you m'dear and welcome to the forum. Looking forward to spending some of the time we have to kill between now and series 3 in your company. (Apparently I am now 'staff' which is nice. Lol) Would you like a cup of tea and a mince pie?
tobeornot221b wrote:
Willkommen, Britigander!
*passes shock blanket and chocolate*
So you'll be waiting for season 3 together with us? Good choice!
Aw, vielen dank!
*wraps self in blanket*
Ah, feeling better already...
*eats chocolate as slowly as possible to make it last*
Mmm, yummy continental chocolate.
Yep, I'm here, poised for some serious (and not so serious) Sherlockage.
Davina wrote:
Looking forward to spending some of the time we have to kill between now and series 3 in your company. (Apparently I am now 'staff' which is nice. Lol) Would you like a cup of tea and a mince pie?
Ditto, and congrats on the promotion!
Tea? So kind.
THough actually I'll pass on the mince pie right now, thanks, cos I'm rather full of chocolate. :$
(Edited because my fingers can't spell)
Last edited by Britigander (May 24, 2012 12:07 am)
Welcome Britigander! Well done on remaining spoiler free. Can't say I can do that...I'm naughty and make sure I watch stuff when they come out in their country of origin.
Kazza is right though...we'll have to make sure Season 3 spoilers stay in the Season 3 forum!
Thanks, Wholocked
...hmm, for a while I was always next episode-voracious, so to speak, but after whizzing through all the new series Doctor Who DVDs in 2 months flat a couple of years ago, and going cold turkey, decided I wanted to make the fun last longer in future, more like it's really only just happened.
I was quite surprised that PBS put Sherlock out only a week apart though!
But we all are, with time a-plenty to have fun with what we have, and er...catch up on reading? I'm so embarrassed to say I've never read any of the originals! But I have heard the Radio4 adaptations a number of times (on Radio4extra) since I've been in the US, and used to watch the TV versions too from an early age. I suppose they're probably on youtube in 8min chunks? I'll check this extensive web site for this topic.
welcome, britigander!! what was it like living in the UK? I am a dr who fan too, and also Merlin. I live in the states too. PBS is wonderful with airing the Sherlock series. I've read all 60 stories of SH by Doyle. long time ago, so i'm beginning to catch up on it now. yes some of the TV versions are on yutube..Type in Jeremy Brett, and you cud start with his versions of sherlock Holmes.
Hi Britgander! Hope you'll have fun here!
Welcome Britigander! Hope you enjoy yourself here...
And yes, we'll make a special Spoilers Section for Series 3. (Long way off yet though, lol - damn you Moffat).
Hi Carl! *waves kind of SW*
Hi Sherlockskitty, fellow PBS-watcher and somehow connected by land
*waves vaguely in a wide arc*
Wow, 60 stories - definitely something to get one's teeth into and plenty to choose from second time around, must be fun to reread them with new perspective too? I've not seen Merlin yet, something else to look forward to. Living in the UK? - less space in houses and much more expensive. And full of people with different British accents which I really miss. And really nice Cadbury's chocolate. And more buses.
I'll definitely look up those Brett films, it'll be like visiting old friends! I swear one version or another of the Hound of the Baskervilles was on every Christmas for years.
Thanks, Sherlock Holmes, without whom such enjoyment could not be had.
Welcome to the forum = ).
Thanks, Milkomedia!
How is the weather in Quebec? It's already July in Michigan.
*reads again about your online name*
I know nothing much about it but just looking at the night sky is awesome. I tried to photo the Jupiter and Venus (?) on my e-camera a few months back, but my sister thought they must be fire flies.
Milkomedia wrote:
Well, I would also like to do neuroscience and quantum chemistry, but I can't stay at school all my life
Not 'paying for' type school may be but other ways...never give up, you don't know what might happen in the future.
Hey, I just joined the forum, and I live in Ann Arbor, too. Did you see Benedict Cumberbatch in Frankenstein at the Michigan Theater last week?
welcome, veecee!!
sherlockskitty wrote:
welcome, veecee!!
Thank you! I think this is going to be fun! Certainly not "boring" or "ordinary."