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April 16, 2013 3:43 pm  #1

Django Unchained

Managed, finally, to see this film (on the plane). I thought it was absolutely great. Very much, in many ways, a spaghetti western. Wonderful use of music. Very, very funny in parts too. As one would expect from a Quentin Tarentino film it is graphically violent, the language is 'ripe' and there are many references to other films. The leads are wonderfully played. The pacing and building up of tension is masterful.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

April 16, 2013 8:52 pm  #2

Re: Django Unchained

I thought DU was good, but it was 45 minutes over-long which most often kills an otherwise good movie for me. Even though Menke passed away (she was Tarantino's long-time editor) that doesn't mean they shouldn't care about the pacing of the film. I think everything after the house was pointless that didn't bring much new to the characters or the story. It just felt that Tarantino's like a little kid who wants to put everything between the opening and closing credits. I think Waltz played the Landa character again, just this time he was a good guy. This similarity between Schultz and Landa is why I wasn't too happy when he won an Oscar for his role in DJANGO UNCHAINED. The other actors were good, even Jackson even though he went a bit overboard as Stephen.

I'm a huge fan of Tarantino's films (RESERVOIR DOGS is still my favorite) and this wasn't a bad film, absolutely not. It thought it was good. But it would've been great one if it was a 2-hour film.

The overuse of the N-word got quite tiresome after hearing it the first 100 times.

My blog:

April 17, 2013 1:49 am  #3

Re: Django Unchained

I saw this and enjoyed parts of it, but it was just way too violent for me. (I know, what did I expect from Tarantno?) I did think the acting was excellent, and I thought the Oscar was well-deserved. I don't get your reference about the other character, so that may be the difference. Must be another Tarantino film that I haven't seen.

I agree about the N-word, although I suppose it was correct for the time and place. It is still jarring to hear. I also agree about the movie being too long.


April 17, 2013 7:42 am  #4

Re: Django Unchained

I would agree about after the house. I thought and expected it to end there and was actually disappointed that it didn't (I like slightly unclear endings). Yeah the N word is correct for time (although still widely used amongst some groups today).

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
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April 17, 2013 9:25 am  #5

Re: Django Unchained

veecee wrote:

I don't get your reference about the other character, so that may be the difference. Must be another Tarantino film that I haven't seen.

Yes. Christopher Waltz (who played King Schultz in DJANGO) played almost the same exact role (called Hans Landa)  in Tarantino's previous movie INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS and he won an Oscar for that too. So he won two Oscars for playing pretty much the same role in two different films.

My blog:

May 23, 2013 11:46 pm  #6

Re: Django Unchained then...I've just watched Inglourious Basterds and I really cannot see any resemblance between the role Christopher Waltz plays in Django and that of Hans Landa in this film and I tried really, really hard to do so. I thought the characters and their motivations were opposites of each other, if anything.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
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