I will do so.
No surprise that's on arte and not on RTL or Pro7 . What would I do without arte!
Why do they need a second German title for series and films in Germany?! And mostly weird ones. Either they translate the title or they don't! (I prefer the last option) That mix is totally unnecessary.
"Der letzte Gentleman" (The last gentleman) *facepalm* Sounds like a Rosamunde Pilcher novel!
Thank you, stoertebeker!
"Der letzte Gentleman" was already a title for a review in Diezeitliteratur, Dezember 2007. (I think it is not online available.)
Yes, but that doesn't make it better. You know, it's always like that with foreign series and films.
I'd like to apply for a position as film title translator!
"Die Enden der Parade"?
I don't find the German title that terrible. It's really difficult to translate but I'm not sure if keeping the English titles is always the best solution. It's become quite the rule even if there are good German equivalents. But I suppose that's the translator in me speaking.
The German title is a little less obscure than the English.
That's right. And while he may not be the last gentleman he's the last representative of a certain type of man, a theme that runs through all the novels.
Will his use of the word 'parade' be of a little less significance when the title is different? I'm not sure...she thinks to herself...
Good point. It depends on how they translate the word. The full title will be "Parade's End - Der letzte Gentleman" so the expression won't be lost. But I've been wondering how clear the word is in English, I mean, is it really used in the sense Christopher uses it (as a code of behaviour)? Or will a native speaker find it also unusual?
A native speaker would find it unusual. I'm not sure if that would have also applied when the novel was written but it is certainly the case now. So the word parade in imbued with another sense by Christopher.
Thank you, that's good to know. I had the same feeling but of course I'm not a native speaker.
I know that a lot of American people asked about the meaning of the title, so apparently it is not so clear in English, either.
BTW in Polish Parade's End has also the title "the last gentleman", but it stands not for all the teteralogy, but only for the first volume (Some do not). In fact, all the titles of the four novels are difficult to translate.
Little reminder: Tomorrow .
WHO needs a reminder?? Can't think of anything else since days.
Just joking. Thank you!
(just in case )
It's today? OH my GAWD I was completely focused on next week! I am so out of it.
I'm watching this in France too. It's on Arte channel. It's nearly the end of episode 3 now...
Well, can't say I'm really fond of this show. The lead actors are great and I can't say it's bad, just not my cup of tea. If it weren't for Benedict, I would have probably stopped watching after a couple of minutes.
I will discuss this tomorrow. I'm tired and maybe a little bit drunk, too.
All I know is I like it and I don't know why.
Punch me in the face wrote:
Well, can't say I'm really fond of this show. The lead actors are great and I can't say it's bad, just not my cup of tea. If it weren't for Benedict, I would have probably stopped watching after a couple of minutes.
Yeah, I feel the same. The story is a bit confusing - it start's right in the middle of some complex relationships and goes one very fast in a too short amount of time. I find it very difficult to keep up.
But Ben's performance is quite good, even though I think, dark hair suits him better .
By the way, Ben's German dubbing voice is the same as in Sherlock, no comparison to his own one of course!