Our multinational, annual, cultural music (!?) fest.
Personally I love it for the voting.
I'm not so much into this kind of music festivals (I am a bit of a "classical" music nerd) but I have some friends that love it. We're having something like an Eurovision party next Saturday. We'll join in a friend's house to have dinner and watch the show and then make our own poll and votations. It's always funny
With Englebert Humperdink as our representative? Are you being serious? At least that's a connection to the classical for Irene.
Actually, not exactly my kind of music, but...
Last year's Song Contest was held in Düsseldorf as you know. As my son was kind of involved with some Eastern European Eurovision delegation he received free tickets for the semi finals as well as for the final and even the aftershow party. I had the honour of accompanying him to all the events and, well, it was great fun! Not for the music's sake – but for meeting all the people from the European delegations and talking to people you normally know from the telly or politics. It was a huge party for several days and I wouldn't have missed it!
So, this year…I will be watching it in front of the telly for a change I guess.
Davina wrote:
With Englebert Humperdink as our representative? Are you being serious? At least that's a connection to the classical for Irene.
Not enough classical, I'm afraid, but it could work...
Do you imagine an Eurovision festival where music was all Beethoven, Schubert, Bach, Prokofiev or Debussy? Heaven for me, but I don't think it would be as popular as actual Eurovision...
Or as tacky!