It's first time I've been on any forum, so sorry for writing in Q.'s thread. I don't think I deserve my own thread (cause I'm extremely ordinary), but I suppose I should write something about me.
I'm from Poland. I love reading (everything, especially fantasy,criminals and psychological or social books) and watching movies/tv series (especially BBC's). I'm absolutely obsessed with photography (I take my photo camera everywhere I can). The love of my life is music. I listen to the music almost all time (I think I would listen to any music which I liked,but my favourite genre is rock).
I've alvays liked books about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson,I've also liked other movies about them, but BBC's Sherlock is definitely my favourite (I don't really like Elementary).
I'm trying to learn a few languages (English,Spanish,Swedish,German,Norway)and I'm looking forward to any advices and conversations.
What else? Sometimes I draw,but it looks horrible. I love make people laugh. And I'm definitely a listener, because I'm indeed shy person.
I hope to have good time on the forum.And that You'll have good time with me.
Hello and welcome to the community, Marheri!
You're learning german? It's a nice language indeed.
Have a nice time here and enjoy yourself! Make yourself at home.
Welcome Marheri, this was such a cute introduction!
And you aren't ordinary at all. That's why you will fit in here perfectly.
Have fun. We're glad to have you with us!
Hi Marheri.
This is the perfect forum for shy people, everybody is so nice and understanding. So feel free to post about whatever topic you like.
If you need help with lerning German, there are really a lot of native speakers around, you can ask us everything anytime!
welcome, Marheri, and greetings to Poland
Welcome, Marheri, nice to have you with us
Czescz, Marheri. I'm in Wroclaw at the moment and haven't met any Sherlockians yet. It's nice to have you here. Have fun.
SusiGo wrote:
Czescz, Marheri. I'm in Wroclaw at the moment and haven't met any Sherlockians yet.
So, come to Toruń. But I can tell you that you can find Sherlockians in the whole Poland.
Wreszcie ktoś z Polski =D
Glad you found your own thread. Welcome!
Hi Marheri and welcome :D
Yeah, I will find you and I will skin you for it.
No, not really. It was absolutely nothing. Welcome!
Swedish is my native language, so if you need any help you could just ask me.
Everyone deserves their own thread! And your introduction was very good actually. Welcome to the forum.