We know Sherlock survived (or there wouldn't be a series 3); but is there any chance (no matter how small); that Jim also survived?
Word of God says no
I'm not sure I wanted him to. I'll be honest, there have been better Moriatys IMO. I really like the one in the Michael Kurland book and in the House of Silk. A villain, but a principled one.
No - why would he? Finally, he won a Bafta.
I love Andrew as Moriarty. So I'm hoping for a flashback or something.
But survived? Impossible.
Flashbacks will come, I am also nearly sure about that.
Flashback(s) yes, but I'm sure he's dead. His killing himself to make Sherlock kill himself was in character. I don't think they'd resurrect both characters but will tackle other stories. There's so much material to draw from.
Also there is the Moriaty thing that happens where every time there is a crime, its Moriaty. That gets kind of dull
He did die in the books when he was meant to , I don't think there's any suggestion, even in fanfic like Michael Kurland's books. that he survived.
I think I just didn't like the idea that he was an out of control psychopath, because at the end of the day I don't think someone like that would have gone as far as he did. I prefer the more restrained, more principled, versions of Moriaty.
Last edited by beekeeper (April 10, 2013 10:16 pm)
Spoiler! That´s a tumblr foto going around right now, I unfortunately read about that but till now I didn´t see it...
Last edited by anjaH_alias (April 15, 2013 11:43 am)
would you please delete the photo right now. There are people who don't want to see this picture. We want to keep the forum free from Spoilers.
I have deleted the photo. Again please don't post spoilers everyone. If we want o see them we can go on Tumblr etc.
I also saw it, and asked Boss to change the name of this thread so I don't stumble in here by accident.
Nice of her that she did it right away
However, this picture could be a photomontage...
Don't worry, Myra. Still friends
It could indeed. It may be better to post the link with a spoiler warning attached. That way I can avoid spoilers too but can still Moderate.
saturnR wrote:
We know Sherlock survived (or there wouldn't be a series 3); but is there any chance (no matter how small); that Jim also survived?
No, but I am banking on the flashback, just as Sherlock Holmes explains everything to Watson in the Canon, I imagine Sherlock will tell John how it all went down.
But I don't think we've seen the last Moriarty, either. (Jim is not Moriarty) The Moriarty brothers are just too big a part of the Canon and Sherlockiana to leave out.
Last edited by MysteriaSleuthbedder (April 15, 2013 6:49 pm)
Be warned.
Super-spoiler pics here from "The Empty Hearse" shoot. But very on-topic.
I don't think so. But I hope he will 'come back' in flashbacks or something. Andrew was amazing in this role, but despite of all strange theories of which I heard about how Jim might have survived- IMHO he couldn't.
No more Andrew Scott in a Westwood suit?
I also don't think that he survived... but, but... nahhh please excuse me while I go cry in a corner and imagine his returning.
May I join you please?
Of course, here in the corner is enough room for us both... and others who would join us *sobs*