From tiny acorns...Only 18 to go!
I've observed that from 1,000 to 10,000 takes about the same time as getting to 1,000.
This time next year you're going to need more moderators!
Definitely! Especially as we seem to be down to one. Moi!
Has the Aussie femme fatale done a runner?
Her character was very much a staple of these boards, we need her back!
Congrats to us!
Ooooh! 5 to go!!!
We just need five volunteers to open up secondary user accounts (like people having multple channels on Youtube) & we're good to go Obviously we would prefer it better to have 1000 unique individuals registering, but you never know - people surprise you on the internet
What if we find out that we only have 10 members but they each have 100 different accounts??
hahahah xD I have only one account.
Well, Andy, I have 200
Last edited by Harriet (April 2, 2013 7:02 pm)
m0r1arty wrote:
Has the Aussie femme fatale done a runner?
Her character was very much a staple of these boards, we need her back!
Things have not been the same since "The Night of the Deletion Massacre". Poor K - too much Johnlock, character analysis, and the same theories batted around by everyone. I hope she'll be back when Series 3 comes out and there's more to discuss.
I was not very active for some time and missed the whole thing. I hope she will come back.
Exciting stuff!
I expect membership to have a sharp rise again after Series 3 too.
And the Swedes have it! By this I do not mean the root vegetables!
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
I expect membership to have a sharp rise again after Series 3 too.
Which means you'll get a humungous influx of British fans first while the rest of the world waits the delay of six months or however long it takes for our own networks to deside that it might be a good idea to show that new season/series of stuff (from UK or US).
If you don't have a TV (I know it's a shocker) like me; & are waiting for the DVD release, it'll be a further year before I can get my hands on it.
ha well if its any consolation it works the other way with everything else for us saturn. Its pretty rare that we get to watch something before the rest of you!
Now that we've got over 1000 members, I'm going to start deleting some of the banned members, so don't be alarmed if you notice membership numbers decreasing for a couple of days.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Now that we've got over 1000 members, I'm going to start deleting some of the banned members, so don't be alarmed if you notice membership numbers decreasing for a couple of days.
As awesome as this is (and congrats, of course... pretty great having an active (and friendly!) board last so long that is enjoyed in various ways), I kind of wondered about that too. And interesting, of course, how it started getting more attention from fans and bots alike as it grew, but I'm totally in agreement and unalarmed about doing a bit of 'spring cleaning'. It didn't really make sense to keep all the accounts that were obviously fake, and didn't really reflect the number of 'real people' who came here, lurkers or not. On the other hand, I figured maybe you and the others got a kick out of seeing the number get so high, and maybe there was a practical reason, such as leaving the accounts up but blocked, so they can't be re-made? At any rate... just wanted to chime in agreement and thanks, and good luck with that!
Well, I've finally deleted all the Banned members, which means we can have fun getting up to 1000 again!
That's good news. So we can start the countdown once again.