According to this:
Loved this film!
Oh that was a weird film. Just everything about it. Particularly loved the idea that they met as teenagers and then presumably forgot about each other. And also that there was a huge secret Egyptian temple killing people in the middle of London.
My sister and I had the biggest crush on Nicholas Rowe. Sadly the internet wasn't here to help us and there wasn't information about him in America.
But yeah, the whole Egyptian pyramid under London and sacrificing young woman bit was a little too "Temple of Doom" for us. And we also wondered why didn't Lucy just push Sherlock out of the way instead of putting herself between him and a bullet. But I must admit the drug induced hallucinations scared the crap out of me as a child. So dark and bleak.
And the revel of Moriarty after the ending credits was rather revolutionary at the time. The only thing I didn't like was Watson was once again the bumbling character. Ugh-just no.