Does anyone else have a skull? Mine arrived in the post this morning, I'm so happy!!
Your skull looks quite pleased with itself too!
where did you get it from?
It was off eBay.
He's very pleased with himself. He grins constantly. I've named him Hamish.
Love your skull! Here's my skull. He's a marble skull/book paperweight my dad had from the 1940's.
He loves to read.
I suppose if I mentioned Murray was my skull no-one would know what I was talking about?
Oh I know that reference. But I can't place it. I wanna say Monkey Island?
You would be right Wholocked!!
Well played!
Woo hoo! I am the legendary gamer geektress!
Adventure games, to me at least, were one of the first ways to try and deduce what was going on with something.
Funnily enough it was poetry second to that - it's amazing how we are each shaped eh?
I've never really understood poetry. For me it's always been fantasy novels, RPG/Adventure games, preferably ones with puzzles - like Myst!
Sierra On-Line man myself, and before that various ZX spectrum games - but Zork, Dungeon Master, Loom and Populous have always been up there for me.
Can't say much for fantasy novels apart from Robin Hobbs - but I'm into Sci-Fi if that helps bridge the gap.
Oh I love the Assassin Trilogy by Robin Hobbs. Didn't enjoy the ships series as much.
I love sci-fi films & tv but not books.
Anyone else wanna weigh in on the geekout?
Woah, off topic, lol.
But yeah, big fan of Monkey Island! Very addictive.
Haven't read the right sic-fi books then! Lol
Another Robin Hobbs fan here! I think she has something new out.
Apparently so, something called 'The Rain Wild Chronicles' which will be released in its full format next year.
I've managed to speak with her before online, she's a very nice lady.
But if you'd like to speak to her then tonight she is on Reddit where you can AMA (Ask me anything).
I think you post up a question and hope it gets answered. There are +1 and -1 votes next to each question so other fans can move you up or down depending upon how good your question is - but it's all still chance (At least the massive ones I've been to before).
I think Robin's might be a more cosy affair.
Might see you there!