Stop this. I'm trying to work, Mary.
The nicotine patches wouldn't stick very well on wet skin.....
SusiGo wrote:
Stop this. I'm trying to work, Mary.
Oh apologies
would he ask John to pass him a towel...?
The bathtub could as well stand for another type of "pool".
The hand wash basin is really small. I wonder how Sherlock and John manage to use it. Where can all the stuff be stored; like soap, thoothbrush for two real human beings.
It looks really old fashioned. Arwel Why Jones must have searched a long time to find something like that.
Oh good God're getting me all hot under the collar here!! Damn you!
John passes Sherlock a towel! *gasp* It'd be like the Irene scene where he hands her a napkin to cover her nakedness, he could hand Sherlock a really tiny towel or a flannel.
John meets Sherlock in the bathroom after his "death": /opens and closes doors as in Mary´s fiction/: can you put something on, please? Er, anything at all...a towel?
Sherlock: Why? Are you feeling exposed?
John: No I just thought you were dead.
SusiGo wrote:
A little bathtub appreciation …
Baby!Batch in a bathtub. Yayy!
SusiGo wrote:
You are not, so stop saying that. *grin*
You're absolutely right, AG. I love making people thud.
I think this gif will be my favourite one!
And it's from such a wonderful film, too.
besleybean wrote:
Mark's a darling, so wouldn't mind...but I really think we ought to leave the series writing to them! If this is what you were saying, sorry I missed your suggestion!
Oh lord Oo'... I wasn't being serious
I cannot hope to surpass the master...
Sorry, I'll have to come back in 5 mins, can't breathe, laughing too hard. This is surely not good for me.
Original is about third of the way down the page here (look for the bathtub photo and my skull):
I am so tempted to draw this up as a little comic though...
Ooo The Master! That's good! So Doctor Who again soon!
Tee Hee!
SusiGo wrote:
A little bathtub appreciation …
Hawking. Great movie. I never really understood the bathtub scenes though. I think they put them in just for the sake of fangirls eager to see Ben naked. o_O I mean, great mind like Stephen Hawking, surely he didn't think he could survive without breathing if he practiced.
I think he wanted to test his strength in a way. To prove something to himself. And he was very young when he got this shocking diagnosis, so it might have been an emotional thing to do. It might have been autobiographic, too. Benedict met Stephen Hawking and they became friends so maybe he told him about doing this.
But I think in 2004 no one was thinking of Cumberbitches or anything like that.
To prove what to himself? I know it must have been terrible to be so young and brilliant and find out you're going to die horribly in a couple of years. There is one thing that just occurred to me though. I think he was testing the progression of the illness as well as training his respiratory muscles. He wanted to see how quickly it got harder for him to contract them as well as train them so they'd atrophy as slowly as possible. It worked. 50 years on and he's still breathing.
Who knows, perhaps someone saw the potential.
That's a very good idea. And it would be quite rational to do so. So maybe Hawking really trained himself like this. As for the progression - there are several types of ALS. Nevertheless I think it's very rare for someone so live with it for so long.