I dare you all to learn this! I triple dare you!
H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca...
That's as far as I got
I meant learn the song.
I have this headcanon that Sherlock can recite the Periodic Table backwards.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
I have this headcanon that Sherlock can recite the Periodic Table backwards.
But only the antiquated one from this bedroom. He has deleted the current one because the mnemonic for it is boring!
Sparrow wrote:
I meant learn the song.
I once had to listen to this song on a loop during an open day for my school (I was in the Chemistry dept. doing the same experiment over and over again, makes it look like you're turning water into wine... I would not advise drinking it though.)
But basically after 7 hours I lost the will to live. I head it in my head for days afterwards and now I think the trauma has got to me and I've blanked it from my mind.
@Sherlock Hahah nice one.
@Mnemosyne I see, well I've willingly listened to this song a million times. I like it. And I know it. :D
Mnemosyne wrote:
Sparrow wrote:
I meant learn the song.I once had to listen to this song on a loop during an open day for my school (I was in the Chemistry dept. doing the same experiment over and over again, makes it look like you're turning water into wine... I would not advise drinking it though.)
But basically after 7 hours I lost the will to live. I head it in my head for days afterwards and now I think the trauma has got to me and I've blanked it from my mind.
I'm so sorry, but this just made me giggle at the image. A lot. I've had a song worm or two... ugh... yeah... *pats and offers sympathy*
But. . . ah. . . unless taking you literally and it was indeed completely blocked, doesn't that mean you would have it slightly memorized, as mentioned above? Or maybe we shouldn't play it for you again and try to find out. Here..... have a nice soothing alternative in your mind...... it's called 'John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt'...
Tom Lehrer... haha! Lehrer means 'teacher' in german.
Anyway: Challenge accepted!
I know it does. Which is why I love it so much. He's a teacher called Teacher. How Doctor Who is that?
Last edited by Sparrow (March 21, 2013 9:47 am)
"Mr Teacher, Mr Teacher, I know the solution!"
Sparrow wrote:
I know it does. Which is why I love it so much. He's a teacher called Teacher. How Doctor Who is that?
And he's good at making lots of different parts of science fun, right? Totally walks in to the room and goes "Right, physics! Physics, eh? Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics. Physics! Hope you're getting all this down." (and then lets them conduct an experiment where something gets blown up)
Mary Me wrote:
"Mr Teacher, Mr Teacher, I know the solution!"
Haha "What's your teacher's name dear?"
"Yes, but what is his name?" "
"Teacher? Teacher who?"
"Just the Teacher"
Russell wrote:
And he's good at making lots of different parts of science fun, right? Totally walks in to the room and goes "Right, physics! Physics, eh? Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics. Physics! Hope you're getting all this down." (and then lets them conduct an experiment where something gets blown up)
Yes, I love him. He was very clever and I am a mega science geek. So I really appreciate what he did becaus many peple diss science thinking it's too difficult or boring or whatever but he proved it can be fun even for those who don't find science in itself, fun and fascinating. (which personally, I cannot understand how it's possible)
Russell wrote:
But. . . ah. . . unless taking you literally and it was indeed completely blocked, doesn't that mean you would have it slightly memorized
I was 15 when it happened... that was many *many* moons ago (thankfully.)
I do have a knack for getting songs stuck in my head. Recent additions have been less educational but include the song 'On the Street Where You Live' and the theme tune to Pinky and the Brain... ¬_¬' Oh god that last one, kill me, kill me now. It's been there for about a fortnight.
This just reminds me of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory singing it to himself one episode.
I can't learn songs, so I'm not going to try this one! I am, however, going to try and learn the Table by column (groups?) whenever I have time (ie never), as I think the patterns are repeated more there? So like I can imagine them getting more/less reactive as I go down the columns, and then hopefully I'll have some sort of link.
I'll have to build a new room in my Mind House, though
How can you not be able to learn songs? Songs are the single easiest thing to memorize, They memorize themselves.
Depends on the sort of mind you have I guess.
I have to listen to a song hundreds of times and I still get the verses in the wrong order!!
Kind of crazy this song comes up again in a totally unrelated way, after not having heard of it until here, but I was earlier looking up a similarly-geeky clip on youtube. Not sure if you came across this already too, Sparrow, but thought you'd be amused that it also recommended to me a clip from a talk show Daniel Radcliffe was on a good while back (easily found by just searching for him + title of song). And bless him, he said he wanted to sing it, had been practicing a lot, and despite a few mistakes, was kinda impressive seeing someone else get through the whole thing!! ;D