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At the moment, the highest member title is High Functioning Sociopath, which you reach once you hit the magic number of 1895.
Seeing as quite a few of our members now have more than that, it has been suggested that we add some more titles, which I'm quite happy to do sooooo....suggestions please. What would you like and how many posts do you think one should have to achieve before reaching it?
Oh, I'd be happy to remain HFS forever as I wouldn't want to give up being Sherlock. Can there be anything better? But I could settle for becoming the most human human being.
Agree. It's difficult to think of anything better than HFS. "On the side of the Angels" would sound a bit ...dead - Susi's "most human human being" would outrank "not a Hero" - and Lestrade's "SH is a great man and one day, if we're very very lucky he might even be a good one..." could make two more titles. Hmmm...
Last edited by tobeornot221b (March 4, 2013 8:32 pm)
Technically, Mycroft is smarter than Sherlock so that could be higher than an hfs...but there's already something with Mycroft for member titles, right?
Last edited by horserider99 (March 4, 2013 8:34 pm)
Just a few suggestions:
- Bored (or: Shooting the wall)
- From IT
- Mrs Hudson’s housekeeper
- The Government
- Consulting Criminal
Sorry, but I don't really want to be Mycroft. I mean, he can't really rank higher than Sherlock, can he, even if he's smarter.
Reichenbach Survivor
Lily wrote:
Reichenbach Survivor
in short: jumper sorry...
*throws a shock blanket at tobe*
I would also like 'Sherlocked'.
The problem is to find titles for beyond HFS
(Psychopath with an ASBO? Nooo...)
"Staying Alive"?
Lily wrote:
Reichenbach Survivor
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Lily wrote:
Reichenbach Survivor
Well... you kind of missed the 'surviving' part.
Lily wrote:
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Lily wrote:
Reichenbach Survivor
Well... you kind of missed the 'surviving' part.
*still dies*
Anyway, carry on, business as ususal.
"One More Miracle"
I'd love Staying Alive, Reichenbach Survivor or One More Miracle so far.
SusiGo wrote:
Oh, I'd be happy to remain HFS forever as I wouldn't want to give up being Sherlock. Can there be anything better? But I could settle for becoming the most human human being.
I agree to varied sides….. on the one hand, I certainly wouldn't complain about getting to stay a HFS, if I were. On the other, well, yeah…. no one really thinks in the beginning how long a forum/members are going to stick around for so long, and eventually there might be a ton of them!
That said, your last sentence totally made me 'awww!' out loud… ;D
Um, and just to add in cents, liking a bunch of the suggestions, and agreeing it's hard, even if the title is cool on own, to decide what belongs "above" a HFS. Like, a Consulting Criminal would be neat to mix up the variety a little, but... yeah, dunno.
I definitely add a vote of enjoyment for Stayin' Alive, Reichenbach Survivor, One More Miracle, and Most Human Human Being.... the progression of which even pretty much fits. How about a Threatened Knighthood after that, appropriate if heaven forbid someone reaches a lofty 10,000...
(edit: ...omg... and ironically enough, just blinked and let out a little squeak after posting that, noticing I just bumped up again, too! Yaaaay! ;D Best army there is......)
Last edited by Russell (March 5, 2013 6:22 am)
Wonderful ideas. Yes, definitely. And just in the above order.
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