The film only gets better from here. By the time There and Back Again airs, I think Martin may well earn an acting nod. That final scene between him and Thorin...killer.
Soquel wrote:
The film only gets better from here. By the time There and Back Again airs, I think Martin may well earn an acting nod. That final scene between him and Thorin...killer.
Totally agree! I can't really remember back that far but did Fellowship get many/any oscar/other awards nominations? I know Return of the King cleaned up so I think that There and Back Again and potentially Desolation of Smaug will be where the awards start coming in.
I'm equally exciting about the next movie and the next season of Sherlock!! My patience is spread thin... like button scraped over too much bread.
Michele wrote:
Soquel wrote:
The film only gets better from here. By the time There and Back Again airs, I think Martin may well earn an acting nod. That final scene between him and Thorin...killer.
Totally agree! I can't really remember back that far but did Fellowship get many/any oscar/other awards nominations? I know Return of the King cleaned up so I think that There and Back Again and potentially Desolation of Smaug will be where the awards start coming in.
I'm equally exciting about the next movie and the next season of Sherlock!! My patience is spread thin... like button scraped over too much bread.
I think the fellowship already earned 4 Oscars.
But I argee with Soquel, the last scene was terrible!
Myraya wrote:
Michele wrote:
Soquel wrote:
The film only gets better from here. By the time There and Back Again airs, I think Martin may well earn an acting nod. That final scene between him and Thorin...killer.
Totally agree! I can't really remember back that far but did Fellowship get many/any oscar/other awards nominations? I know Return of the King cleaned up so I think that There and Back Again and potentially Desolation of Smaug will be where the awards start coming in.
I'm equally exciting about the next movie and the next season of Sherlock!! My patience is spread thin... like button scraped over too much bread.I think the fellowship already earned 4 Oscars.
But I argee with Soquel, the last scene was terrible!
For your last sentence, Myraya, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. To me, that scene was so adorable; I truly believe Bilbo deserved it. XD
WB has pushed back There and Back Again to December 17, 2014 instead of July.
For the record: This is a very good thing. More time for editing. It also gives the actors like Martin a breather from having to promote the film up back against Desolation of Smaug in December 2013. Otherwise that would have been a hellish six months of promotion. Mo bettah.
Soquel wrote:
WB has pushed back There and Back Again to December 17, 2014 instead of July.
For the record: This is a very good thing. More time for editing. It also gives the actors like Martin a breather from having to promote the film up back against Desolation of Smaug in December 2013. Otherwise that would have been a hellish six months of promotion. Mo bettah.
I didn't realise they'd moved it forward in the first place. I mainly agree with you that they need to be spread out but the possessive impatient Gollum part of me is screaming 'Now! Precious! Now!'
They had a LOTR marathon prior to An Unexpected Journey. I wonder if they'll do the same again with Desolation of Smaug. Could you imagine a double triology marathon. That would be both exhausting and awesome!
Jayhan wrote:
For your last sentence, Myraya, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. To me, that scene was so adorable; I truly believe Bilbo deserved it. XD
I wasn't sarcastic. The scene was so cheesy. I mean of course it was beatyful but for my taste it was just too much.
November/December are the key months for release for the up-coming award season. It is just a couple of months before the ballots go out and it is hoped the films will be fresh in voters' minds.
The Hobbit broke the $1 billion takings earlier this week.
On 8th of April I'll order the dvd - and can finally watch undubbed!
(Although I know very well I should wait for the extended version or the box of 2..................... *sigh*)
Last edited by Mattlocked (March 6, 2013 3:25 pm)
Mattlocked wrote:
On 8th of April I'll order the dvd - and can finally watch undubbed!
(Although I know very well I should wait for the extended version or the box of 2..................... *sigh*)
Will there be an extended Version?
Myraya wrote:
Will there be an extended Version?
There should be box sets with multiple disks (same as LOTR) released about five years after the films first come out - if they follow same trend as LOTR. Harry Potter series is also getting massive DVD sets released even though the entire series has finished up.
saturnR wrote:
Myraya wrote:
Will there be an extended Version?
There should be box sets with multiple disks (same as LOTR) released about five years after the films first come out - if they follow same trend as LOTR. Harry Potter series is also getting massive DVD sets released even though the entire series has finished up.
I think you're referring to LotR's Blu Ray release. In the case of the Hobbit, I don't think it'll take that long; If memory serves me correct, it took less than a year for each film till an extended version was released. For the Hobbit, I'm convinced it'll take much less than that, at least three months.
Jayhan wrote:
saturnR wrote:
Myraya wrote:
Will there be an extended Version?
There should be box sets with multiple disks (same as LOTR) released about five years after the films first come out - if they follow same trend as LOTR. Harry Potter series is also getting massive DVD sets released even though the entire series has finished up.
I think you're referring to LotR's Blu Ray release. In the case of the Hobbit, I don't think it'll take that long; If memory serves me correct, it took less than a year for each film till an extended version was released. For the Hobbit, I'm convinced it'll take much less than that, at least three months.
I'm pretty sure the LOTR extended editions were only a few months after.
They haven't said a DVD release date for Australia yet that I've seen. I can't even pre-order it.
I plan to buy the regular edition as soon as it comes out then the extended version when that arrives. Sure the movie is already 3 hours long but when it comes to Middle Earth, it can always be longer!!
Martin Freeman On Standing Up To The Geek Mafia For “The Hobbit”
The screen's Bilbo Baggins discusses stepping into nerddom's biggest hairy feet.
Once a hobbit, always a hobbit. Such is the life these days of Martin Freeman, who is one-third of the way through his journey in the J.R.R. Tolkien universe, having seen the release of the first film in the Peter Jackson trilogy The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray March 19. Despite a long career in the British stage, film, and television worlds, the actor has become something of a nerd icon of late as the star of two totemic nerd franchises with The Hobbit and the BBC series Sherlock.
BuzzFeed caught up with Freeman to discuss the upcoming release and look back on the making of the first installment — plus, the films ahead, and life in the center of the geek crosshairs.Image by Courtesy of Warner Bros
BuzzFeed: As a classically trained actor, how do you prepare to play a hobbit?
Martin Freeman: You read it, you get familiar with the source material, you find what is in you that could be hobbit-like and vice versa.
BF: What did you find hobbit-like in yourself?
MF: I think it's...very, very sexy — kidding. In the world of Tolkien and how Peter Jackson views Tolkien, it's very English. Now, of course, I am English, so I can't play English. Peter would sometimes say, "We need to make you more English." Well how do you do that? But I know what he means. There is a kind of decency and a kind of reticence about that.
BF: While you were shooting, how did you stay in a hobbit mind-set? Did you catch yourself thinking in hobbit?
MF: Never. Never. No. Never. I don't think it's like playing Lincoln. Once the cameras hit cut, and once I'm home, I'm not thinking like him.
BF: How did you entertain yourself in New Zealand while you were making this for all that time?
MF: It was lovely. They were about as welcoming as it's possible to be. They are very laid-back but they are also very can-do. Which is not a quality the Brits have much of anymore. We kind of lost our can-do about 30 years ago. They're up for anything. They want to make everything work. They'll work round the clock just to make stuff happen.
BF: Knowing what this character means to the geek world, did you feel the weight —
MF: Of a million geeks! It's probably like feeling the intimidation of the mafia. It was like pissing off the Crips. The geeks are going to get me! But no, I think I tried not to think about it, really. Like with anything I've done ever. I've had a few parts that are very beloved to people from literature, and I can't play that. I can't play their expectations. That's not the screenplay you're making. It's not a democracy in the way that I'll go and find out what Russell thinks out there in Oregon. I'm afraid he doesn't have a say. He's either going to like it or he's not going to like it, and believe me, we want him to like it. But we have to get on with the job of making a film. But Peter is a geek. He's an absolute self-confessed Tolkien geek. So you have one at the helm.
BF: You feel you're protected?
MF: Totally. You're in safe geek hands.
BF: Are you familiar with the Tumblr movement you've inspired?
MF: Yeah, I am. I discovered that in New Zealand. That's where I really first used a laptop in my life.
BF: Are you familiar with Smauglock ? (Ed note: the Sherlock/Smaug mash-up that has swept the internet.)
MF: Pictures of me and Ben (Cumberbatch) crossed over? Yes, I've seen all that. With the little Sherlock scarf on. Very funny.
BF: What can you tell me about the two Hobbit films ahead?
MF: Well, I think the dragon will be good. Really. Good. There's not much I can say because genuinely, I don't actually remember everything. It's the truth — it was about two years ago we were shooting. And we were shooting out of sequence, and it was going to be two films instead of three. So where the first film ended when we were shooting is different from where it does now end, so I don't really know all that happens in the second film.
BF: You should read the book.
MF: I have! Honest!
Bilbo's coming back again
Martin Freeman has revealed he will be back in New Zealand for a two-month block of shooting at the end of this May.
"I am going back at the end of May for all of June and July," Freeman told
Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, said he is not sure precisely what he'll be shooting yet.
"I don't think it feels like new demands, but then again, I haven't seen a shooting script yet, so they might have me walking through fire!"
"I suppose the thing is, this is not finished. We literally have to go and finish it. It's not a new adventure like on a television show. It's the same story. It's the same gig I started in January 2011. I think it'll be really fun becausethe crew is quite close and the cast are close and we like working on it. I'm anticipating it."
Hi!!! I have seen the dvd rented from blockbuster. No special features on this disc. Does the one sold in stores have the special features?
I LOVED it. I especially liked the parts where Bilbo was reading the contract. where they party finally met up with the elves, OOOOHHH Lady Galadriel was BEAUtIFUL!!!
How did Martin keep from getting his feet injured, going barefoot like that? Oh, and when they put him onto the pony---FUNNY!!!!
I have all three tapes of LOTR. So, next month, I may as well buy the hobbit. But I wanna wait for the extended version. Someone plz let me know when That will come out?
so we are really gonna see the second movie in december 2013? oooohhhh I cannot wait. I did see Ben's name in the credits-- his was the LAST name on there!! that's cause we only saw the EYE of Smaug. what was that saying----
"When the thrush knocks, the dragon will wake?"
well the thrush knocked.....
Can't wait for Smaug and the necromancer!
Hi skitty!
I know!!! Awesome, isn't it…..
And seeing the wonderfully beautiful epic-fantasy-style landscape again, and old faces, and new ones, and the music, and their adventuring, and… and… ;D
I bought the dvd/blu-ray combo, and as far as I know, the only specials they include are those 'production video blog' things Peter was so cool of to do back when they were filming. An extended version later, or not? Yes? Dunno. But as far as Martin goes, he wasn't exactly barefoot… the 'feet' he had to put on every day went partly up his calves. I remember seeing an adorable bit in one of the production vlogs they made, where they were by some snow, and Martin is amused, walking right on top of it in his hobbit feet (and also commented once about having to shave so they don't pull at hair). So I imagine they were a bit thick for trekking around… if not a little tricky to walk naturally. ;P
If I remember right from other discussions, though, they probably also gave Ben a little nod of credit not just because of the hint of Smaug, but because he stood in for the form of the Necromancer's image? (I know he's -doing- the part of the Necromancer, but that always made me puzzledly wonder why they'd pull him over for a capture of such a brief image for that one first glimpse, especially when they could use anyone with the right build…) Eeee…. can't wait, though… ;D
Y'know, I was kinda surprised nobody chattered on this thread with the release of the dvd this week, though… although I suppose it wasn't so much news as everything else related to it already posted about, and most people having seen it. I meant to earlier, only because it was exciting to finally see it out, wasn't it? and get to grab my preciousss…. ;D (normal? of course I'm normal! there totally wasn't an around-30-ish girl who made a trip to the store specifically the day it came out, purely just to see a motley pile of cardboard, plastic, and paper and (quietly) squee like a teenager at it). Of course….. the 'motley pile' may have looked like this: ;) ;D
(gonna see if they let me keep the cut-out when it's over…. pretty sure will... <g>)
Sherly wrote:
Bilbo's coming back again
Martin Freeman has revealed he will be back in New Zealand for a two-month block of shooting at the end of this May.
"I am going back at the end of May for all of June and July," Freeman told
Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, said he is not sure precisely what he'll be shooting yet.
"I don't think it feels like new demands, but then again, I haven't seen a shooting script yet, so they might have me walking through fire!"
"I suppose the thing is, this is not finished. We literally have to go and finish it. It's not a new adventure like on a television show. It's the same story. It's the same gig I started in January 2011. I think it'll be really fun becausethe crew is quite close and the cast are close and we like working on it. I'm anticipating it."
Seriously? June this year? 2013? I'm actually going to be in NZ then. I'm going to be in the same country as Martin Freeman?! Excuse me while I run around like a giddy school girl!
Now if only I knew where he was going to be!!