I'd really like to develop and possibly sell (for a very cheap fee of course), my own Sherlock app for iPhone, Android and Blackberry, but I was just wondering...what would you guys like to see/expect from a Sherlock app?
I don't want you to develop any Sherlock app because I would want to own it which means I would have to buy me a smartphone.
Mattlocked wrote:
I don't want you to develop any Sherlock app because I would want to own it which means I would have to buy me a smartphone.
Don't buy yourself a smartphone, Mattlocked. You are one of the very few people I use to get good old-fashioned texts from...
A Sherlock app? Hmmm...haven't been thinking of anything like that yet. Must think it over.
I don't have a smartphone yet but I think I might buy the app. As for the features - well - maybe it could use GPS to tell me where they're just filming.
There is an app already. But not a very "big" one. It's just with shortfacts about the characters (without moriarty, sadly), and small resumes about each episode... Well it's good and nice and all, but not, as I said, a "big thing".
I have no idea what you may put in your app, but surely I'm going to buy it