And they're definitely not bought or written by friends.
Hi Lily,
There is another German fan for you ;)
I get the feeling half of the people in this forum are German^^
Actually I have a lot of friends that lover Sherlock, so don't worry, there are enough fans in Germany. Pitty that you don't know so many but now in the Forum you can find some ;)
Mary Me wrote:
Welcome to our community!
Have a great time here and enjoy yourself!
PS: So many people from Germany, slowly we're taking over the forum
Well, I'm not German. I'm Swiss, and that's a different story. XD
Hey Lily
Welcome to the forum and wow, you've made a lot of posts already and only been here a few days - good job!
I'm enjoying your pen toss signature! I love that moment...pure class.
Thank you!
I love this board - I really have to thank you for giving as a place to discuss this wonderful series!
I just couldn't resist that gif - I love this scene too much!
That's OK. I needed a place to discuss it myself, so it was really for purely selfish reasons!
How did you manage to have so many posts already Lily? :o
Most of them are from the game area here.
You probably wrote this already so please forgive me, but where in Germany do you live?
Near Cologne.
So did you dress up at Karnevall? ;)
No, I hid underneath my blanket with some books and didn't come out for days!
I am really not that into carnival - the dressing up is fine but I hate the drinking and the noise and the awful music.
Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking?
I live in Berlin, grew up here. Unfortunately I'll probably have to move because I want to study psychology and in Berlin I'd need a NC of about 1,0. But that's fine I hope I get a place at university that isn't too far from Berlin so I can visit it in the week-ends.
If it wasn't so far away I would have suggested studying in the Netherlands, they don't have an NC.
Yes but my grades are good so I hope that I'll get in somewhere in Germany. I think I do have chances but just not in Berlin.