Faux here. Uruguaian, 20 years old, med school student and really happy to find this site!
I've never even heard of it, but it's great to see a place where I can chat with fellow Sherlockians. The people I know who like the site are not nearly as involved with it as I am.
I've been in the fandom for about a year now, and I pretty much grew up with the ACD books (my grandfather is a huge fan, and he loves the BBC show too!) In my spare time I write silly fanfics based on prompts from kinkmeme.
Nice to meet you all! c:
Hi fauxvol,
Uruguayan - you may be the first of your country here - welcome!
tobeornot221b wrote:
Hi fauxvol,
Uruguayan - you may be the first of your country here - welcome!
Yet more to be presented, I hope
Welcome here!
Have a nice time^^
Hola y bienvenidos! I hope you have lots of fun here. Bring along some friends and we'll have a fiesta.
Enjoy being here, nice to meet you
Thank you all for the welcome c:
Greetings to Uruguay, great to have you here. I hope you'll have fun.
Nice to meet you and glad you found us.