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February 9, 2013 12:20 pm  #261

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

besleybean wrote:

I certainly wouldn't.  But I accept it may happen.

::Nods::  I wouldn't want to see them take the relationship to a romantic or physical level, because I think it would ruin the chemistry - but I don't want to see either one with anyone else for the same reason.  (Unless it's Sarah, because she gets it.  And she's lovely.)

Apparently Lara Pulver has been on the set for season 3?  One theory on the wedding is that it's Irene's wedding, which Sherlock Holmes attended in canon...Moftiss are such trolls.

John: OK...That was ridiculous. That was the most ridiculous thing...I've ever done.
Sherlock: And you invaded Afghanistan.
John: That wasn't *just* me.

February 9, 2013 12:22 pm  #262

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

They haven' started filming S3 yet.


February 9, 2013 9:22 pm  #263

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

I too feel that John and Sherlock are not a couple. The way the writers have the two act, it wouldn't make sense to me. They more like eachother as best friends or even brothers. They have a very close relationship and keeps eachother in line. Plus, Sherlock finnally realises that he is not a sociopath, because he has lots of friends. It also gets John into the "normal" way of living again. Sherlock gets John up on his feet. They both need eachother as friends so they can stay focused in reality and stop living in thier own worlds.



Shut up everybody, shut up! Don't move, don't speak, don't breathe, I'm trying to think. Anderson, face the other way, you're putting me off. -Sherlock

February 9, 2013 10:16 pm  #264

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

John robbing banks and Moriarty saving orphans. 

To which we can add Mycroft becoming a New Age Traveller. (I do not intend any offence to New Age Travellers. Nor indeed to middle-aged members of The Establishment).

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

February 9, 2013 10:17 pm  #265

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Oh I feel a whole new thread coming on!


February 9, 2013 10:20 pm  #266

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Davina wrote:

John robbing banks and Moriarty saving orphans. 

To which we can add Mycroft becoming a New Age Traveller.

Well, there must be something about them that you start having these ideas   

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.

February 9, 2013 10:30 pm  #267

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Me too BB! sooner suggested than done. The game is on!

Last edited by Davina (February 9, 2013 10:36 pm)

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

February 9, 2013 10:35 pm  #268

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Davina wrote:

To which we can add Mycroft becoming a New Age Traveller. (I do not intend any offence to New Age Travellers. Nor indeed to middle-aged members of The Establishment).


Speaking from the point of view of a middle-aged member of anything I appreciate your caveat! (Don't let the avatar fool you. That IS a pic of me as I choose to be seen and how I view myself in my dreams )

"I may be on the side of the angels,
but don't think for one second that I am one of them."

February 10, 2013 4:10 am  #269

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

'My Personal Journey to Johnlock', or "How I Was Hit Broadside". Part 1:

Tuned into the show out of curiosity and because the trailer on PBS looked intriguing.

Watched S1/E1: laughed at Mrs. Hudson's needing two bedrooms line and said to myself, "Great way to bring the story into the 21st Century! These are for sure modern times." 
Jaw dropped at the Angelo scene, not because I was thinking anything 'Johnlock' at this time - just that I was amazed the writers were giving a nod outloud to the persistent Watson/Holmes homosexual rumor.
Loved the shot of the two walking off together at the end over Mycroft's comment.  Realized then and there this show was not going to be just about Sherlock Holmes.  Realized the importance of John Watson to the partnership.  Still not thinking 'Johnlock' but was subconsiously starting to process the acting chemistry and how nicely they "fit"  due to how opposite they were physically. Found myself attracted to both in different ways. Sherlock=beautiful, exotic; John=boyish, huggable

S1/E2: Found myself quite intrigued with how Sherlock was manipulating John and undermining his attraction to Sarah.  Loved the writers for playing it up like that; but thought it was more for amusement than anything else - a running gag. I was certainly enjoying it.

S1/E3:  Laughed at Sherlock's petulance, laughed at John sleeping on Sarah's couch. Then the mad roller coaster of the Great Game took over my thoughts - until that moment when John stepped out with a bomb strapped to him. Saw Sherlock's fear and concern for John.  Saw John willing to sacrifice his life for (or with) Sherlock.  Saw how Moriarty knew the importance of John to Sherlock.  Began to fully realize the depth of their relationship. Saw how so many moments in the other episodes served to cement that relationship.  Thought, "These two are so good together".  Still wasn't at 'Johnlock' but was going all gooey for both of them for sure.  Then came the cliffhanger and the hiatus and I kind of 'forgot' about the show until there it was again.....Stay tuned for Part 2

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.

     Thread Starter

February 10, 2013 12:22 pm  #270

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

besleybean wrote:

They haven' started filming S3 yet.

Yes, small problem with that rumour.

John: OK...That was ridiculous. That was the most ridiculous thing...I've ever done.
Sherlock: And you invaded Afghanistan.
John: That wasn't *just* me.

February 10, 2013 4:47 pm  #271

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

I'm late to jump in here, but I do have some thoughts I'd like to share. (It's amazing what goes through ones head when one is cleaning the cat box on a Sunday morning!0

I keep thinking about "reflections" and what they mean.
Sherlock is one of those unusual people who *knows* exactly how he looks to other people. Which is part of the reason I think he lets Sally's "Freak" comments roll off his back like rain water. He knows how he looks to her (and to all the Yarders) because he has worked hard to make their perception of him into what it is.
John steps in and somehow understands and appreciates this fact. Sherlock is perhaps taken aback at the way he (Sherlock) allows John to reflect Sherlock's decent qualities back to Sherlock. It is something that *no one* (not even Mycroft-imagine!) has ever done. It's as if John can see through the shell that encases our hard detective and makes his own analysis as to what Sherlock *really* is.

And for me, that's where I stand with fan fic. All of it. The idea that there is one person who is so instantly in tune with another person is just such a massive idea that it just blows everything else out of proportion. In reading the canon, I realize that honestly, the stories are not so much about Sherlock Holmes as they are about John and John's perception of the detective...John is our leader in the majority of the stories in the beginning and we get to see him working through so many issues of his own. BUT! It is because of those deeply personal issues that we see him as a fully-realized human being: someone who is comfortable enough with himself that he can accept others (including Sherlock and Mycroft) for who.they.are.

IMO, that's important. That accepting and the knowledge that it takes thousands of years to change stones. Our current BBC Sherlock is a stone that is still rough-cut and it will be because of people like John (are there others? I think so, Sherlock just hasn't found them yet...) that reflect back to Sherlock what is ultimately *good* about him to himself that will give Sherlock the strength to move forward. I don't really see this version of Sherlock and John as *changing* the characters so much as allowing them to *evolve.* They will age, as we do, and along with them we get to see those things that change them and make them behave as they will.

Again, just my opinion, but I believe that's what RBF is so important to us as viewers and as a character to study. Who is to say exactly what parts of Sherlock's personality are etched in stone? The idea of a story--any story that you read or write--is to keep us, the readers or the viewers, interested in the main character. Generally, that character is changing in some way. As human beings, we have all been there at some stage in our lives and it is a familiar story, even if it does not take place in familiar ways, we understand the underlying concept.

I never thought I would really enjoy the Johnlock fic. I must admit to myself after reading the Leading Performance story by MadLori that I am completely hooked. Someone here posted in the fan art forum a link to a comic-book panel that depicted Sherlock opening a door and John standing there. From the second my eyes followed the scene, it took my breath away. That is one of the most touching scenes I have ever seen or read. The idea that someone so strong and outwardly tough could almost literally be pulled the floor on his knees because of the way he *felt.* It showed a moment that perhaps we have all wished for, but never found---the freedom to have a weak moment but still be loved and protected and not spurned nor made fun of for having that weak moment. That sums it up for me, and why I like the idea. No, it's not about the sex. The sex is merely an extension of caring for someone--I care about you, therefore, I want to be as close to you as I can. I want to make you feel good and I want to make you happy. (In this case--let me help you set your mind free in a loving, safe environment that will not ultimately do detriment to you physically.)

Last edited by crazybbcamerican (February 10, 2013 4:49 pm)

I haven't disappeared completely, I've just been busy writing

February 10, 2013 6:28 pm  #272

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

crazybbcamerican wrote:

....Again, just my opinion, but I believe that's what RBF is so important to us as viewers and as a character to study. Who is to say exactly what parts of Sherlock's personality are etched in stone? The idea of a story--any story that you read or write--is to keep us, the readers or the viewers, interested in the main character. Generally, that character is changing in some way. As human beings, we have all been there at some stage in our lives and it is a familiar story, even if it does not take place in familiar ways, we understand the underlying concept.

I never thought I would really enjoy the Johnlock fic. I must admit to myself after reading the Leading Performance story by MadLori that I am completely hooked. Someone here posted in the fan art forum a link to a comic-book panel that depicted Sherlock opening a door and John standing there. From the second my eyes followed the scene, it took my breath away. That is one of the most touching scenes I have ever seen or read. The idea that someone so strong and outwardly tough could almost literally be pulled the floor on his knees because of the way he *felt.* It showed a moment that perhaps we have all wished for, but never found---the freedom to have a weak moment but still be loved and protected and not spurned nor made fun of for having that weak moment. That sums it up for me, and why I like the idea. No, it's not about the sex. The sex is merely an extension of caring for someone--I care about you, therefore, I want to be as close to you as I can. I want to make you feel good and I want to make you happy. (In this case--let me help you set your mind free in a loving, safe environment that will not ultimately do detriment to you physically.)

Thank you. Beautifully put. I get real prickly when people who don't understand the concept of fan fic and who aren't interested in it start with comments about fan fic readers. Fine with me if someone doesn't like it and/or doesn't get it, but I don't appreciate comments about our "fangirl flailing" and how all of us must be naive schoolgirls. One person came on the forum a few weeks ago and compared us to alley cats rooting around in the garbage bins-- sorry, but that gets my dander up. I found it totally refreshing to read what you said here-- you really really really understand, and you found the words to voice my own heart about Johnlock. Thanks.


February 10, 2013 6:38 pm  #273

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Thanks for finding such wonderful words, crazybbcamerican. I just read "Given in Evidence" by Verityburns which is an excellent example of what you're saying. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


February 10, 2013 6:46 pm  #274

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.

February 10, 2013 6:46 pm  #275

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

But is there a misunderstanding?
Are we talking about Canon, Film/TV representations or fanfic?


February 10, 2013 7:04 pm  #276

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Well I was talking about BBC Sherlock but I'm happy to hear views from anything really, cannon, tv/film, fanfic or otherwise. I am easy going.


'Non Solum Ingenii Verum Etiam Virtutis'

February 10, 2013 7:12 pm  #277

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

besleybean wrote:

But is there a misunderstanding?
Are we talking about Canon, Film/TV representations or fanfic?

Not sure what the original idea was at the beginning of this thread. Go back and look, if it's important to you. At this point, we're just discussing Johnlock, wherever it can be found. I think most of us can agree that original canon had no romantic relationship between the two men, and that neither film nor TV (BBC or CBS) will ever have the courage to go there either. So for my purposes, when discussing anything about Johnlock, it is found only in fan fic and fan art.


February 10, 2013 7:25 pm  #278

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

ancientsgate wrote:

I get real prickly when people who don't understand the concept of fan fic and who aren't interested in it start with comments about fan fic readers. Fine with me if someone doesn't like it and/or doesn't get it, but I don't appreciate comments about our "fangirl flailing" and how all of us must be naive schoolgirls.

May I ask a question without offending? Is this why you felt that I was judging you or folks who like slash? And is this why you felt offended when I commented about younger people not having as much understanding about the different facets of love? I've been trying to wrap my head around why my post irritated you and that other poster. 

If this helps any I'll give you some background on myself so that it may help you to understand my post better. I am older than many authors of fan fic, but not the oldest by any means. I have been writing fan fiction for almost 10 years now as well as reading it. So I am not exactly new to it.

I am one of those authors/readers who is a a bit of a slave to cannon. Now in the case of Sherlock Holmes that term has subcategories. If I were reading/writing about the Sherlock Holmes that we see Benedict Cumberbatch portray that would be very different than the Sherlock that Robert Downey Jr. portrays. Cumberbatch's Sherlock is practically asexual where as Downey's Sherlock was found by the maid tied spread eagle to the bed, naked as a jay bird with a throw pillow over his hoop-d-do. These characters may both be Sherlock Holmes but their cannon is quite different.

The point is, that I will read and write stories that follow cannon for any given character. I still do not see the BBC Sherlock and Watson as a romantic couple, so given that I guess I don't read Johnlock. I would not say that a Johnlock story is bad, just not my cup of tea. 

As for my comments about younger readers, I stand by that observation. Many young people simply have not lived long enough or experienced enough of life and relationships to have a true understanding that two people no matter who they are can be exceptionally close without a romantic element to the relationship. For instance Fox Mulder and Dana Scully "The X-Files" (at least in the series on TV) were never romantically involved even though most of the fans of that program saw them as a couple. They were the best of friends, they were partners, they were each other's confidant. They relied professionally, emotionally and even spiritually on each other. That is the kind of bond I see between BBCs Sherlock and John Watson.

Hope that helps you to see where my head is at and that none of my comments or opinions were meant to offend Johnlockers, slash fans, or anyone else for that matter. No judgment here, just differing opinions. 

"I may be on the side of the angels,
but don't think for one second that I am one of them."

February 10, 2013 7:46 pm  #279

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

AliceI wrote:

For instance Fox Mulder and Dana Scully "The X-Files" (at least in the series on TV) were never romantically involved even though most of the fans of that program saw them as a couple. 

I think statements like this are what is perceived as offending by some. At least it upsets me sometimes.
I have seen most of the X-Files episodes. To me, that was another series where the writers quite cleverly played with the question if the two main characters were a couple or not. The question was never really answered - although they were never shown as a couple, the possibility always seemed to be there. Now when you say "they were never romantically involved even though most of the fans saw them as a couple", it sounds a bit as if you think you were better informed than all the other viewers and that your opinion on the nature of the relationship is the only right interpretation. That can make other people (who might have a different opinion) feel offended, even if it's not meant that way.

He’s got a dog. We go to the pub on weekends. I’ve met his mum and dad …

… and his friends and all his family and I’ve no idea why I’m telling you this.

February 10, 2013 7:55 pm  #280

Re: Discussions on the John and Sherlock relationship

Crazybbcamaerican, I completely agree with you. AND I "found my way" to fanfic exactly the same way as you did. 
Started with one or two short one, but then Performance of a Leading Role  did it.
Now it's  The Quiet Man and I'm already looking forward to the next.

You hit the point:
"No, it's not about the sex. The sex is merely an extension of caring for someone--I care about you, therefore, I want to be as close to you as I can. I want to make you feel good and I want to make you happy. (In this case--let me help you set your mind free in a loving, safe environment that will not ultimately do detriment to you physically.)"


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan

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