I just googled a bit around, because I was looking for other "Crazy Sherlock People like me, and so here I am!
I´m 24 years old, come from Germany and work in an Englishspeaking Company there. So, one of my best Friends gave me the Sherlock DvDs as a Present for my Birthday and I just can say I looooove them
I watched them over the Holidays very often in both Languages and I prefere the Englishversion, he has such a great Voice and such a great Actor too ^^
A lot of my Friends call me "Sherlocked" and I don´t know why
I wish everyone a good Evening and hope we read us soon
Last edited by Snowglobe (January 8, 2013 10:10 pm)
They gave it to you and nobody told you: "Could be dangerous"? Typical.
Willkommen and may you have a lot of fun here.
I have to go to bed for now. Laterz!
Welcome, Snowglobe, from a fellow German Sherlock "victim". Have lots of fun.
Tonight everybody seems to go bed early - that happens not always
Welcome here and enjoy!
Oh, another cra...enthusiastic German! Nice to meet you, Snowglobe.
You're in the right place - enjoy!
Willkommen Snowglobe. I hope you have lots of fun here amongst us lot.
Nice to meet a new member from the same country. I joined yesterday.
So, have a great time!
We have tons of German fans here, I'm sure you'll be right at home!