Did we have that before? If so, apologies.
Sorry, I think I don't get it. What's so special about him typing? He does it all the time.
Njaaa... You're probably right. But in this situation? Could he write something special - to someone special?
I think I have to watch that scene again.
Maybe you can enlarge it so that you see what he's typing. By now I'm quite convinced that the out of character thing really is his public presence, a thing he's always avoided in the past. BTW, when watching TGG again, I stumbled upon this parallel: In TGG and TRF it's Sherlock who determines the place of meeting Moriarty. And in both cases Moriarty manages to surprise him.
Watching TRF yesterday I noticed that Moriarty talked about falling (like flying....and so on, you know) and Sherlock suggested St. Barths roof later. So it was actually Moriartys choice?
I remember noticing the website ages ago.
When they came for Sherlock to investigate the kidnapping, he actually WENT to his computer sat down & started his 'typing'. They then stood up & left, leaving whatever was on the screen still up there.
He didn't return home till after they found the girl, and then the taxi ride with Moriarty, etc.
He enters the room to check for internet proof that they are 'being watched'.
This is the screen cap a split second before the "search' box for networks comes up:
All he was doing was checking out the site of the school where the kidnapping occurred.
Not really earthshattering.
So just working. What a pitty.
Thank you, Kazza!
Perhaps it was, but Sherlock would have had to then decide how he was going to deceive all of them. Possibly including Moriarty (if the twinkly eyed git hadn't blown his brains out.) Sherlock plays the game but calls Moriarty's bluff which leads to him eating his own pistol. Check and Mate. But Sherlock still has to sweep the board and the only way he can do that is to convince his remaining opponents he is dead. Unless you're really into zombies no one is expecting to be hunted down by a dead guy.
'OOC' moments abound: Sherlock attending press conferences and public appearances. Accepting gifts. Playing with a 'toy' (in this case a small black rubber ball.) Did we ever see what happened to the surveillance camera? Was it ever proven who placed it there? (Mycroft?)
Sherlock uses John's laptop all the time (much to the annoyance of John.) There might not be anything special to it. However I would not rule anything out until August/September if I were you.
Mnemosyne wrote:
........ Playing with a 'toy' (in this case a small black rubber ball.) ....
How do you define that as an out of character thing?
Granted we may not see him play with a ball before this but do you really count that as a character trait?
I've seen many things stated as 'out of character things' and I sit & wonder how people call some things character traits.
His character fiddles a lot, twiddles fingers etc. Repeatedly bouncing the ball fits with this. This maybe played with in lieu of his violin.
Mnemosyne wrote:
Did we ever see what happened to the surveillance camera? Was it ever proven who placed it there? (Mycroft?)
The last we saw with the camera were the scenes all around Sherlock and John becoming fugitives. Sherlock finds the camera, then - while holding the camera still in his hand! - he is giving Lestrade a "No, I am not willing to join you to the police station, because this is what Moriarty wants and I am not playing his game" (ruin his reputation, bringing Sherlock with a foto in negative press reports, burn him). And he´s also uttering "Oh, Moriarty is smart" more or less directly into the camera, for the ears of the person behind the camera. Interesting, or? Of course Sherlock is playing Moriarty´s game, but this purposely. Because what happens then afterwards is quite the opposite of what he pretended to have wanted: Lestrade´s coming back (and Sherlock knew that of course also before) and an even much higher public attention to his person is predictable now: handcuffs, a lot of police and a really spectacular escape with gunshots and a "hostage". Now people will definetely talk, says John later.
Long speech, but in short now: I don´t trust anything what Sherlocks says in 221B after he detected the camera - he is playing Moriarty´s game in the extreme to accelerate it. Sherlock is "flattering" him to lull him into a false sense of security (like he partially also does during the trial). First on the street, unobserved now, he is becoming serious to John (and approves my theory of pretending to do what his enemy has planned): "Let´s do what Moriarty wants, let´s become fugitives".
Now to your question: For me this means obviously ;-)), that the camera was planted by Moriarty. Why should Mycroft have placed it? Yes, he is concerned about his brother, but a "surveillance status" exists already since ASiP (whatever this means practically).
Last edited by anjaH_alias (January 6, 2013 3:29 pm)