Ok I've been hooked on this series since it premiered in 2008 here in the states on NBC. Then I found out the 2nd season was being filmed and would be shown on the sy-fy channel. So, I updated my cable package just for that. THeN i found out it's a UK production, and found some sites to watch it online. THEN they started releasing the dvd's here in the states, and yes I have them all. so far they've made 4 seasons of 13 episodes each.
I love the king Arthur and Camelot time periods. This series I love, because we're seeing Arthur and Merlin as young men, which sort of takes it away from some of the old and true legends. But I still love it. This series is doing almost what our BBC Sherlock is doing. ALMOST. The thing I like the best about this series (laugh if you want to) is the almost-bowing and almost curtseying that the pheasants (or commoners or lords and ladies) do when they meet the royals. And I LOVE royalty!!!
I love merlin too! Series 5 comes out in autumn!
yeah and I can watch it online after it airs in the UK. BUT I gotta wait til january 2013 to see it on my syfy channel. That is, unless the BBC A channel decides to air it. right now they ARE airing old merlin eps every weekend. YAY!!!
The only trouble is this--I bought the series 3 DVD's, but it does NOT have the missing scenes in there for the episode called 'The Eye of the Phoenix' which is where Morgana actually gives Arthur the bracelet. It's in the special features part of the dvd, but it's not in the actual episode. I was very disappointed. Did anyone else notice this?
Last edited by sherlockskitty (June 19, 2012 2:54 pm)
Err, Kitty, I think you mean peasants, not pheasants, which are a type of bird
Do you read fanfic? On the site Archive of Our Own there is a whole collection of stories about Sherlock's son (don't ask) Hamish, and Colin Morgan is used as the model, something to do with the hair colour and cheekbones, have a look if yo are so inclined.
A friend of mine is really into the Merlin fandom and the other night she finally persuaded me to watch an episode with her - the first episode of Series 1. I thought it was pretty good actually, will probably watch more of it!
sherlock-- you'd better. It'll keep you occupied until you-know-who comes back for series 3. Series 1 ep 1, the dragon's call--that was one of my favorites too. It started the story so well.
Hepzibah-- i'll check those out.
Last edited by sherlockskitty (August 7, 2012 8:47 pm)
Hey, Skitty, I just read one of your posts and I really can't remember a bracelet from anywhere! Could you perhaps re-enlighten me?
yes-- In Eye of the Phoenix, series 3 episode number 8, (I think) Morgause in disguise gives Morgana a magic Bracelet to give to Arthur. It will drain the life out of the wearer, slowly, and the wearer will die, eventually. The scene I'm talking about is when Morgana goes to Arthur's room, before he leaves on his quest, and she gives him the bracelet as a gift, for good luck, on his quest. That scene was not in the episode, not when they aired it on tv, and not when they put it onto dvd. I have the dvd--and that scene is not in there where it's supposed to be. They show it as part of the special features, and that's how I know of the scene. the dvd makers made a BIG boo-boo.
Merlin starts series 5 on BBC -1 (I think) on sept 29th, you lot!! keep a look out for it!!
New series started last night.
I love Colin!
Sorry I've been off here for a long time; lots of school stuff.
I've finally caught up with all the Merlin I missed (I loved the latest one!)
I've also managed to convert my sister into Merlin-ism and (after half an hour's searching) we put together a (slightly dodgy) Merlin costume. Which I then somehow was persuaded to wear 'round Saffron Walden while shoe-shopping. Sadly though, when I knocked on my friend's door, incredibly excited, she had no idea who I was. I guess I'll have more luck with my other school friends...
Dressed as Merlin whilst shopping in Saffron Walden...this could be a first Molly! Schoolwork sucks doesn't it. Still it is worth it in the end...honestly! Did you get some Merliny shoes?
Sadly, no. They were for school and my Mum's a little less flexible than I'd hoped.
They're nice, though; black Brogues.
Not even pointy toes? Still black iS a good wizardy sort of colour eh!
you dressed like Merlin? very impressive!! I would really like to get those shoes he wears all the time in character. They'd go well with anything, even in today's fashion. who knows, I may start a new trend. boots with buckles I love those.
No, I haven't had time to watch merlin online tho-- been busy with other stuff. I'm waiting for syfy to air season 5, in january, no doubt. Only 2 more months!!
Seeing as it's finished now, it's all a tad irrelevant.
I have always been totally open about this.
I watch Sherlock because it's the best TV ever.
I watched Merlin to enjoy the pretty boys.
Having said that, I did think the last episode was good and Bradley went up in my opinion.
I will miss Colin.
I am also a fan of Merlin and thought highly of the young man who plays Merlin. For someone so young he showed terrific promise. I have not seen the rest of season 5. Only got up to the episode where Arthur and Merlin take Gwen to a lake to cure her of the spell Morgana put on her. From the last few posts it seems that the series has come to an end and I get the impression that it was not a good end. Hmmm, now my curiosity is piqued. I guess I'll have to check it out.
I hope it doen't end badly. I am nearly finished with a very long and thus far well received Merlin fan fic. I may have to change the ending if the show wraps it up poorly.
Oh no it was a good end...just sad!
Yeah, I liked the ending, although I was dissapointed that we didn't see any of the much advertised "united land of Albion" where magic is once more accepted and blah blah. I mean throughout the entire show, this has been Merlin's "destiny" and what often kept him going and then we get an episode in which Arthur finds out the truth and dies without seeing any of the things they were "destined" to achieve together.
Yes, now you say it like that...I was too busy watching the boys gettign all cosy!