This any better?
Oh, yes, much better. And how humble of you not to write "Get Britta".
Mattlocked, your picture is much better than the original!
Good night from me.
SusiGo wrote:
Lucky Japanese women. They get this for Christmas from Elle Magazine. *drawing blanket over me and getting comfortable on the floor*
Is this a recent photo? For my taste (which I admit can be quite flawed and opinionated, lol) he looks too young here and too preppy, like an escapee from some posh school or other (staff? student? I don't know). Not "tough" and adult enough. Nowhere nearly in the same class of drooling and thudding as the thing sitting on the bed from earlier. You know, IMO.
Mattlocked wrote:
This any better?
Very nice except for the sign, which I don't understand. Can you do one without the sign? Pretty please? If you can, it'll be a keeper. Yum.
Mattlocked wrote:
This any better?
Wow, great job Mattlocked!!! Icky model with the boney hands all gone!!! Now this would make heavenly wallpaper indeed.
SusiGo wrote:
Lucky Japanese women. They get this for Christmas from Elle Magazine. *drawing blanket over me and getting comfortable on the floor*
Oh wow, if only I had a Tardis to get me to Japan for this magazine photo. I could write a whole novel around this picture.
I like the old-fashioned atmosphere of this photo. The colours are very 'The Hour'.
Aggie, the photo is brand new.
I agree, he looks very young in this but it's a nice contrast to the ST photos (which are great as well, but very dark and powerful and all that). It's fascinating how many faces this man does have.
ancientsgate wrote:
SusiGo wrote:
Lucky Japanese women. They get this for Christmas from Elle Magazine. *drawing blanket over me and getting comfortable on the floor*
he looks too young here and too preppy, like an escapee from some posh school or other (staff? student? I don't know).
(If student) I'll help him play truant.
(Or, if teacher) GIVE ME DETENTION. BRING BACK THE CANE! (from the woman who cried when she got detention in school... then again it *did* involve staying after school with an enormous female maths teacher who had a moustache and no ankles.)
"Must dash I think I left my cane in the classroom."
Your ideas might change my attitude towards detention.
ancientsgate wrote:
Mattlocked wrote:
This any better?
Very nice except for the sign, which I don't understand. Can you do one without the sign? Pretty please? If you can, it'll be a keeper. Yum.
As I don't own Photoshop I cannot do any better, I'm afraid.
If you don't like the sign - which you of course don't understand - you could put your own pic inside there. Okay, okay, it was just and idea.....
I thought I had overcome this photo, but no … I'm feeling so dizzy … could you please stop posting this?
You don't have to own photoshop, you could download GIMP for free... a good tool for all tasks regarding image manipulation.
Just saying
But, actually, this is nice already
SusiGo wrote:
Your ideas might change my attitude towards detention.
On an, almost, unrelated note; his cardigan looks like the comfiest thing in the world.
Spencer Hart.
SusiGo wrote:
Aggie, the photo is brand new.
I agree, he looks very young in this but it's a nice contrast to the ST photos (which are great as well, but very dark and powerful and all that). It's fascinating how many faces this man does have.
I got looking at that photo again, and it seems very photo shopped. His hair and face both look as though they've been highly manipulated. It's a very attractive photo, but IMO it does not look the way Benedict looks today. They made his eyes that blue that so many manippers like to use as well-- can't they see that his eyes are that pale green and absolutely gorgeous, just the way they are? *shrug*
SusiGo wrote:
I thought I had overcome this photo, but no … I'm feeling so dizzy … could you please stop posting this?
It really is hot.... the more I see it, the more I think so.
SusiGo wrote:
I thought I had overcome this photo, but no … I'm feeling so dizzy … could you please stop posting this?
Which one? Oh, you mean this?!
Aaaaaahhhhhhh …