Hello Avengers fans, I was surprised that there was no Avengers topic already on the board, so I made one myself! Personally, my favorite characters in the Avengers are Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). They are the best! The Avengers is hilarious and serious and I am glad Joss Whedon directed it (although still holding a grudge about Coulson) because it really couldn't have been any better.
Anywhoo, post on, spoilers are permitted!
I like the film very much and it was much better than I thought after reading the story. The superheroes don't take themselves too serious. I, too, like RDJ and Tom Hiddleston best. Looking forward to watching it once again on DVD.
Tom Hiddleston. That is all!
I like The Avengers a lot, especially for the quotes. My favourite character was either Captain America or The Black Widow.
I loved the Avengers, my fav would have to be Thor, followed closely by Iron Man. The humor and the drama blend so beautifully in the film, along with the action. Looking forward to a sequel.
Iron Man 3 comes out in April, or May, well sometime soon at least! I am really excited to see it, and I hope for some cameos of the other Avengers... And I heard the movie is going to focus a lot on Tony Stark, which is the best! *fantasies overwhelming mind*
I liked the 2nd Iron Man better than the first, so hopefully more of a focus on RDJ will make the 3rd even better. He really shines in the role and makes the movies great.
I never really like superhero films but then came Iron Man. It's fun and RDJ is really, really good in the part. Looking forward to part 3.
Ha... no kidding! Of course there seems to be a lot of cross-over between the geek shows, books, and movies anyway. ;)
Big Avengers fan, myself, and can't wait for Iron Man's, Cap's, and Thor's sequels, since they're chugging on all of it now full speed ahead to lead to another Avengers, and other characters. Seriously, couldn't stop grinning at the awesome quality combination of superhero adventure, a touch of depth/heart for each and every one of them, and the healthy dose of snark/quips (especially from Iron Man, god love him...
) Gonna be cool to see how Iron Man 3 gets further into what happens to him as a result of the last movie, new bad guys, and new Extremis tech affecting who he really IS as his alt persona.... you saw the trailer, yes?
I saw the trailer and it is awesome! I heard that a part of it is actually taking part in China, and the new Iron Man suit is going to have "made in china" printed on it somewhere.. But I am still hugely excited for the movie!
Moriarty wrote:
I saw the trailer and it is awesome! I heard that a part of it is actually taking part in China.....
Probably, considering the antagonist is the Mandarin. Who, admittedly, I knew nothing about (my geekery is kinda limited to the movies themselves and a few graphic novels/stuff looked up online, as the comic book world was a bit daunting), but his backstory/essence sounds pretty cool. Especially superhero-ey, considering much of his power comes from the rings he wears, and around the same time, like I said, Tony's dealing with the results/after-effects of the Avengers Initiative stuff and Extremis nanotechnology affecting him as Iron Man. Pretty cool. I especially loved how each character played off each other in the last movie (go Science Bros! ;D), despite being thrown from the story with just one minor little point, one time, with the missiles. What about you? And am I surely not the only one who wanted to go remember again how much I liked shawarma afterwards..... <g>
Haha, I had also never heard of the Mandarin, although he sounds pretty cool! (I mean evil, really really evil) And I love having more focus on RDJ, it's my thing. Also, the after credits scene of them eating shawarma was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! I didn't even see it until a month or so after I saw the movie in theaters (being stupid and leaving before the end) but when I did see it I just couldn't stop laughing!
Aw, shame! For shame! ;D Every single Marvel movie has had an awesome little after-credits leading up to the next movie, or just being funny. I get such a kick out of creators adding in little details/extras like that. And yes... love Tony's snark and how he relates with Bruce. ;) Seriously, some of his one-liners were highlights in themselves. (although they so need to make this
One of my favorite snarky bloggers does 15-minute--snarky-recaps of select particular favorite movies, affectionately ragging it as she rehashes. And now I can't watch the scene of the airship blown up and starting to crash, when Tony and Steve are trying to keep it afloat (remember, when Tony's pushing/flying inside the turbine thing to keep it going?), without always thinking of one of her best quips that stuck in my head, about how Tony should really know to hand-wash-only his iron suits because they get totally beat up in the spin cycle.... ;))) And how Thor always being all honorably Shakespeare-y 'no brother! thou art my brother, brother! Brother!! Why dost thou have so many issues?!!1!?'
In conclusion.... awesome.
Those are awesome! I have learned my lesson for not watching all the way to the end of a marvel movie!
I'm a huge fan
My favourites are also Tony and Loki!
Moriarty wrote:
Those are awesome! I have learned my lesson for not watching all the way to the end of a marvel movie!
Ha... I know!! I love little extras like that. I assume by 'those', you were referring to the "movie poster" or quoted quips? Yup. I'm not kidding... I'd love to see that "movie". (Seriously, Marvel.... get on that.) Would you like to see the rest of the blog, though? She's seriously good at fun, lighthearted somewhat-affectionate snark when it comes to the rare favorite movie she recaps (usually ones that lend themselves well towards it..... 300, V for Vendetta, and Phantom of the Opera come to mind as other favorite gems... ;) )
Just go over here so you can read the whole thing, if want:
That is amazing Russell. Just totally awesome. Everyone needs to read that. It is almost more awesome than the epitome of awesome, Tony Stark. I want more, if anyone knows any more sites where we can read awesomeness, post a link!
Moriarty wrote:
That is amazing Russell. Just totally awesome. Everyone needs to read that. It is almost more awesome than the epitome of awesome, Tony Stark. I want more, if anyone knows any more sites where we can read awesomeness, post a link!
Hah!! Awww.... just was grinning at your reaction. Hee... thank ye!! I know!! Glad enjoyed too. ^_~ I mean, sure, she's not the only one who's tried fun movie re-caps, but.... she just does it so damn well, y'know?? :DDD Seriously, there's a line in her "300" one that had me about falling over, during a big battle scene when she says something like 'and I'm pretty sure I saw one of the Spartans cape someone to death'. <g> Or in "V for Vendetta", when they first meet -- 'V: Do you like music? E: Is your crazy contagious?' And, of course, the Phantom is pretty great too, just to point you at favorites. ;)
Um... Ahem..... not to hijack the thread or anything.... just love her humor and ability at snark/perfect in-jokes. Like I said... she enjoys movies, but doesn't do them a lot... it depends on the movies, and it's just a little running project alongside mostly blogging about her writing, life, and other little running fandom story stuff. Avengers was totally one of the best, though. Me love Avengers. And quippy Tony. And Hulk's 'Metronome Beatdown'. And. . . ;D (Totally going to bed now.... -.-)
Last edited by Russell (January 4, 2013 7:03 am)
I had forgotten there was this thread and posted my reaction to The Avengers Assemble on the other general movie here goes.
I really enjoyed this film. Much of the acting was first rate. I really have a soft spot for Stellan Skarsgard don't ask me why...I have no idea really but I think it might be his accent/voice and eyes. Tom Hiddleston is...well as Arthur would say BRILLIANT! I loved the line about having the drink. Robert. Downey Jnr is often really funny as Iron Man as well. This was good fun!
I read somewhere someone saying they wanted Benedict Cumberbatch cast in the Avengers sequel because watching him snark with Tom Hiddleston for two hours would be worth the price of admission. I must concur.
I loved all the characters in here especially Steve and Bruce, though Tony and Loki were the most entertaining. The post credit schwarma scene is the single funniest moment in any comic book movie ever. I'm a huge Joss Whedon nut and when I saw that I laughed so hard that tears were rolling down my face and thought "that's so Joss."