Hey everyone!
So after getting awfully wistful (and a teensy jealous) coming across several posts of actor run-ins you've had, this girl on the 'wrong' side of the pond thought I'd ask if any others of you have had any fun with fan mail. : ) I'm not that big into it, as partly I simply enjoy the people and the shows they're in, and that's it..... and also it seems kind of an insane industry, coming across so many forums and such dedicated to getting autographs, and how swamped these favorite people must be for the mere likelihood of getting a reply from them!
Sigh... but what can I say... it is kinda awesome, too. The first time I decided to try it out a year ago, I sent just a few short notes to my main favorites through their agencies, giving praise, and asking for a signed pic (including a return envelope/stamp, of course!). And got one back, from David Tennant, and John Barrowman. Eeee... ;))) So cool... although lately been musing the fact that never tried it with any 'Sherlock' folk. Have any of you?
I have several nice letters written up, and was about to wrap them all up with envelopes and IRC's and such and Sherlockology is awesome about putting up detailed bios/fan mail info for the cast, when it occurred to me maybe should send my own pics. The thing is, it's maybe easier for them if you provide them with a pic already, but some sites have suggested they receive so much stuff and can't do much with all the personal items they're sent, easier to just send off one of their signed promo pics they probably have stacks of (that's what I got with Tennant and Barrowman, since wasn't sure should send them own). But maybe either way works, and so cool seeing all these other forum results of people getting their favorite pics back signed and with a short message... : ) Just wondered if any of you had experience either way.
My other curiosity is a bit more relevant, and just uncertain what might get the better result... I thought generally, it was best to send letters to their agency, since that's the obvious, solid connection. But a number of people on the 'here's what I did' fan mail forum thread said they didn't always get results for the busy 'big' ones, like Benedict, because the agency gets so. dang. much. of it, they have to filter/auto-reply to a lot... but some were luckier by sending it to whatever studio/set (like Star Trek) he was working on at the time (although, unfortunately, the fact that they got super-spammed with stuff for all the stars there didn't sound much better). Not to mention I have no idea where he or Martin would even currently be at the moment, considering they're in 'promotion' mode for the movies, now.... what do you guys think?
Speaking for me I never liked the idea to send a letter to any agency to ask for a signed pic and then receive one of their signed promo pics they probably have stacks of and which have been signed in advance.
It has no real "value" for me.
I also don't like the idea to send a letter to any production /filming set wherever they may be at that time because that would feel like some kind of stalking to me. Just let them do their work.
BUT: If I manage to join an event where one of "my stars" take part and they sign whatever you offer afterwards, I like to be there to get an autograph. Although there might be hundreds of other people, to me it is a bit more "individual" and later in my memories I have a special occasion to connect to the signed pic - if you understand what I mean. (Difficulties with English again.....)
Hubby even doesn't dare to go to those signings because he wants to let those "poor people" alone. I don't agree; if they offer, why shouldn't I go there?
If I'd meet someone somewhere on the street, I probably wouldn't ask for an autograph or pic, though
So my experiences are quite small. Actually I wanted to send some kind of card for Andrew Scotts birthday but then I missed it.
But when some of us took part in the donation around Ben's birthday and later on for the bicycle ride in London and we received a big thank you from him, I was already quite happy.
Last edited by Mattlocked (December 12, 2012 8:02 am)
I would agree with you, Mattlocked. I don't really want to have something with a printed signature that anybody could have. If I'd been at Cheltenham for example I'd have queued to get an autograph, maybe on something more personal I brought with me (not a fake marriage certificate, thanks very much ).
I also liked the charity events. And I was so excited to start my PC in the morning find an e-mail by him.
Russell, on Sherlockology they don't give any contact for Martin and Benedict's comes with a very polite warning not to expect too much.
As for meeting someone in the street or somewhere else - that's difficult. I wouldn't wish to be intrusive but on the other hand later on I might regret that I missed the opportunity. I think it depends on the situation, e.g. if the person is alone or with friends.
SusiGo wrote:
............As for meeting someone in the street or somewhere else - that's difficult. I wouldn't wish to be intrusive but on the other hand later on I might regret that I missed the opportunity. I think it depends on the situation, e.g. if the person is alone or with friends.
Yes, that's right. You'd need some time to "analize" the situation and the acual mood of the person.
Once we saw an "old time" (former) "star" here in a pub and hubby said: Leave him alone! And I was like: Why? He might be glad that someone still recognizes him!
So, yes, it depends.
Hey guys! I just meant to write you back before about the thoughts you posted above.... Thanks.....
You know.... despite being wistful and geeky enough to try just a couple fan-letters for fun (and for the two-fold result, I know, of giving the favorite person some deserved praise and hopefully get a pic ;ppp ), I do agree with you. Yeah, it's nothing like actually going to an event/signing and having all that together. Yeah, probably impersonal (although the pic I got from Tennant -was- signed to me ;D) (hnf, but still, reading about all the luckies who did get personal notes back? hmm).... unfortunately, this just coming from a girl who's entirely in the wrong Country! not to mention not near any 'tour' cities. And just thought it would be cool for something rather than nothing, and had just been curious if anyone here had tried it out and what happened, depending on the address used or the person. At any rate, going to send my own pics and irc's, and just enjoy the fact that they might appreciate it if nothing more than that!
I wouldn't think it would hurt to try. I've never done it, the few pics and autographs I've gotten, I've been lucky enough to meet in person. But, of course some people, like Benedict, do seem impossible. But, hope springs eternal.
harleyq wrote:
I wouldn't think it would hurt to try. I've never done it, the few pics and autographs I've gotten, I've been lucky enough to meet in person. But, of course some people, like Benedict, do seem impossible. But, hope springs eternal.
Ehhn.... I know... I know! But still, it's just the thought of it. Heck, I'd even had gone to that Casebook signing we heard about a while back, if I had been anywhere near it!
So cool they're doing all that stuff over there. But I'll still try!
Interesting that I just came across this thread this morning because the topic just happens to be front and center in my mind right now. Sometime back I posted on one of the threads here about a teacher at the private school where my husband teaches. His niece is a British actress who used to date David Tennant and who is also a friend of Ben. Well, this man was talking to my husband yesterday and said he's going to London the day after Christmas and will be seeing his niece. He told my husband not to say anything to me in case nothing comes of it, but he's going to ask her if it might be possible to get Ben's autograph for me. Of course, my husband immediately told me, because who could keep a secret like that - ha, ha! It would be lovely if that happens, but I think it's pretty much a long shot. I'm old enough and wise enough to know how these things work and I'm not getting my hopes up in any way shape or form. . But, by the sheer luck of knowing someone who happens to know him, there's a tiny chance I could be getting something personally signed from my favorite actor. Fingers crossed.
Awww, man!! So lucky/cool... ^_^ And okay... okay, the logic side understands it's really no big deal, and I'm with ya on not expecting anything and knowing those people are just ordinary folk that happen to be swamped with interest for having a more public image, hence cringing at the overboard fans making their lives harder... but... but... still, y'know??? Hard to deny the fascination with favorite figures like that, or getting a memento of, hence trying it myself. Cool.... let us know!
Funnily enough, have my own kinda-related story/"connection".... one of the ladies in my book club has worked in the movie industry for decades... marketing-type work. But as a result, she's gotten to meet a ton of people on that scene as well, not to mention becoming so ingrained in it, that along the way she was granted one of the spots in the Academy, meaning she sees everything that comes out and votes on it, and gets to go to the Oscars and all... ;D ;D She commented once when I was talking about fan mail, that (as long as the person was in movies, and not the apparently different tv sector), she could probably reach out to agents she knows or whoever and get something through them. Now, I never took her up on it, because didn't want to be trouble and felt a little cheesy at the time (not to mention who knows who'd she'd be able to reach or what get), but since Benedict and Martin are both in movies now, I'm thinking 'hmmmm....' ;)
Russell wrote:
Now, I never took her up on it, because didn't want to be trouble and felt a little cheesy at the time (not to mention who knows who'd she'd be able to reach or what get), but since Benedict and Martin are both in movies now, I'm thinking 'hmmmm....' ;)
Go for it Russell!!! I never hurts to try. I'm going to put the possibility of anything happening right out of my mind; then, if it does, "It's Christmas!". I had a fleeting thought of giving our friend Chris a note to take to his niece to pass on to Ben, but then I dismissed it as really bad form. First, because Chris would know my husband had spilled the beans on his potential suprise; but more importantly, the niece is an actress in her own right and I hate the idea of using her to get to another actor. That would be "a bit not good" in my book.
If she does come through, then I will write her a lovely thank you note. And since I did see her in a production in Boston about 6 years ago, I could add in some fan mail to her too.
Oh, that's great, KP and Russell, good luck for you.