I've come to the conclusion that Moriarty's true opponent isn't Sherlock but Mycroft.
My reasons to believe so are:
Mycroft is said to be cleverer (though too lazy) than Sherlock. (It's also canon.)
For that reason alone Mycroft has to represent a stronger incentive for Moriarty to deal with.
Mycroft IS the British Government.
Would mean sort of a power play with the most powerful person in Britain for Moriarty - hey!
When on the rooftop, Moriarty unexpectedly brings Mycroft's name into play (no pun intended): "Your big brother and all the King's horses…"
Why would Mycroft have Moriarty abducted and interrogated "for weeks" if not for the interest of "Queen and country"?
Moriarty must have hated him since then.
By means of Irene Moriarty doesn't want to beat Sherlock alone but Mycroft as well ("He gave me some advice how to play (!) the Holmes boys…")
When talking to John about the four "trained killers" close to 221b Mycroft tries to convince him that Moriarty's "only rival" he has sworn to destroy has to be Sherlock (and not him, Mycroft).
There is still the unsolved ("final"?) problem of the terror network Moriarty runs.
A threat to the nation Mycroft can't be indifferent to.
Last edited by tobeornot221b (November 25, 2012 9:56 pm)
Moriarty was the Napoleon of Crime.
His enemies were whoever fought crime.
Mycroft: officially.
Sherlock: unofficially.
I don't think Moriarty planned his suicide very early on.
But he could never be sure he wouldn't be killed.
So he would always have known there would be a network to continue his work.
I'm glad you posted this. We know that Mycroft is genuinely "concerned" about his little brother but if Moriarty was being ironic in calling Mycroft the 'Ice Man' a good way to burn Mycroft would be to irretrievably tarnish the Holmes family name and in doing so possibly damage his official standing as a government consultant by making Sherlock appear to be a suicidal criminal fake genius and sociopath. There's another good reason or two that Moriarty would want to be rid of Sherlock anyway, for limiting of Moriarty's reach and doing the legwork that Mycroft is unwilling to do.
If Mycroft were Moriarty's real archenemy it would have to be "coincidence" his brother is a high functioning sociopath. maybe Mycroft was his archenemy but Moriarty could gone for his brother as soon as he realizes Sherlock is far more interesting. Moriarty really enjoys playing with sherlock so I don't think it's all just to harm Mycroft. Of course Moriarty might have developed a certain amount of hate against Mycroft during his imprisonment. Too I don't think he would have killed himself before really having destroyed his archenemy. Only killing Sherlock wouldn't harm Mycroft as much as really attacking him (of course the mastermind-bad-genius-psychopath way). He tells Sherlock "You need me, you're nothing without me" and "You're not ordinary, you're me" and that kind of stuff... I don't think that's coincidental.
Although one pro argument would be Moriarty asking Sherlock why he chose to take the side of the angels. Maybe he means Mycroft and the government and he would have liked sherlock to work on his side against his own brother (he calls him his archenemy anyway). but maybe moriarty wanting sherlock on his side might be a bit far fetched...
Plus I just don't want to believe Moriarty and Sherlock aren't archenemies (I just love this word)... It would sort of take all the sense out of their fights...
Hmm, how utterly ordinary.
The bad guy's enemy is the Government/establishment?
That's rather 'usual' really.
And quite boring; having Mycroft as an enemy. His hands are tied in certain areas, there are certain things that he would not do. Let's face it, can't see Mycroft standing in Buck Pal in just a sheet, can you?
But more sensibly, Moriarty sees everything as a game. All his crimes are just part of a big game, a game that he wants to win so that he can get the attention, the plaudits. A game that crowns him king of the world.
He doesn't care who the opponent is, whether it be little Carl who laughed at him, or the Establishment who can't keep security in prisons under control. They are just all games.
And he knows the only person, the ONLY one who would be willing to rival him is Sherlock. Sherlock is the only one who would forsake legalities or morals to battle wits with him.
As he says himself, he may be on the side of the angels ... etc.
And that is the only worthwhile rival for Moriarty; anyone can rival the likes of Mycroft.
I think I agree, Kazza.
Mycroft may be an intellectual rival and possibly he and Sherlock want the same ends.
But Mycroft does work within constraints that Sherlock would not even consider.
Yes, undoubtedly the Holmes Brothers want the same ends.
Let's look at the first main confrontation with Sherlock at the pool. Now had that been Mycroft rather than Sherlock there wuould have been no witty repartee, no challenges being thrown down etc. Mycroft would hav just arrested the dude! Game over.
The British Government doesn't enter into power plays with criminals, they make the rules, they change them when needed. Either way, it's Game Over, ' we won't play ball with you'.
And that, to Moriarty is a dull and boring contest.
Ugh, Mycroft would be far too boring and ordinary for Moriarty. His little brother is much more fun and interesting to play with.
if Moriarty's rivleal was mycroft why would he want all the infomation about sherlock unless it was to kill sherlock then get to mycroft