Hello all, I am an Australian fan who is old enough to know better, but I am totally obsessed with Sherlock. Glad to have found a community of like-minded crazies, er, I mean fans...I have even downloaded the original stories into my Kindle that I was given for Christmas (I started to cry when I unwrapped it, it was just the perfect pressie for me)
Welcome, hepzibah
I have all the original stories on my kindle,too, lol! You got a wonderful Chrismas present, and you might find out, that the search function is really useful, if you want to check some things in the canon.
Welcome on board...I think there's 3 Australians on here now, so you're in good company...and yeah, we're all kinda crazy obsessed, but in a pleasant way.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I've got all the stories on my iPad too!
Welcome to another Aussie!!!
Hey ho hepzibah!
Welcome to the club.
I didn't realise you were from Canberra. WE CAN TOTALLY HAVE A CANBERRA MEET UP NOW!!!!!!
Hey, welcome ! : )
So I think there are 3 of us in Canberra, including Kazza. We should meet up some time, unless one of us is a psychpoath or even a high-functioning sociopath (I think I got that right!)
Is Kazza in Canberra as well??? Awesome! Meet up time!
Er, I think I was getting you and Kazza confused, looking back at her posts I think she may be in Brisbane, I guess we could have a meet up in sunny Brisvegas instead of dreary old Canberra.