He's being interviewed by Mark Lawson on BBC4.
Thank you - I'm going to record this.
Grrr Hopefully someone will put it on YouTube
I hope I can watch it someday in YouTube but in the meantime... anyone can tell us if he said something remarkable?
Mark Gatiss was on TV in Australia last night, playing an assistant vicar or somesuch in a repeat of an Agatha Chrisite whodunnit. I just kept thinking about Mycroft and Sherlock and how Sherlock would have solved the murder in about five minutes. I know Benedict was in another episode which I dare say will turn up as a repeat eventually. (ABC injoke for Aussies).
So fed up that BBC iplayer will not work here in Canada! Not TV or Radio! Boo!
For people who haven't seen the interview by Mark Lawson yet, it's on vimeo