He does. Which is odd, since I don't remember Bilbo being so really
SusiGo wrote:
He looks very daring and heroic in this [poster].
Wholocked wrote:
He does. Which is odd, since I don't remember Bilbo being so really
Oddly enough, although Bilbo rescues the dwarves at least twice (against tremendous odds), confronts Smaug, and discovers the secret that leads to his downfall, Tolkien never seems to give him the respect that he obviously deserves. The narrator's attitude in The Hobbit is generally something like, "Oh, look at the cute little hobbit!" This has changed in LotR, so that the younger hobbits are recognized for their heroic deeds. Apparently, Jackson is making up for Tolkien's early oversight!
I can't wait to see BAMF Martin take down whatever comes his way. I'll be honest, I'm not a Tolkien fan. I tried, I really did, I just found the books to be dreadfully boring. Then again, I was 12. So yes, I'm only seeing this because my husband is a HUGE LotR fan and because Martin. *shrug* I'm also listening to Moby Dick because Stephen Fry and Benedict. Whatever gets people interested, I say
Double Martin:
KeepersPrice wrote:
Ancientsgate and I are very taken with this lovely picture
Truly, madly, deeply thud-worthy, that. OMG..... *faints*
Here. Have some
BrightBlueEyes wrote:
Here. Have some
Oh, thank you very much. Mmmm. Tastes good..... you can send more a dat over this way, anytime.
Oh Darlin, I'm just getting started ;) Tinypic is a bitch to work with thought so its taking me a few
And you're hiding a little Ben pic, too.
I hope it is alright to post an URL:
Maybe some of those were not yet here and I would like to recommend the whole site
Yes, thank you, Harriet. Wonderful Martin clearly deserves more attention.
I love the flickering light effect.
Yes, the flickering light is lovely. I'd love to be sitting across from Martin under these conditions (sorry Amanda). I wish I had more time to scour the internet for some great pics to add to this thread - but thanks to those of you who do. It really makes my day.
Mattlocked wrote:
Mmmm, nice. John by firelight.
Does anyone know where any of those Freeman pictures that BrightBlueEyes posted above are actually from? I can't place them, so they're apparently from some of his movie(s) that I have yet to watch.
I think I've been a bit unfair to Martin, always posting these Benedict pics and none of him. Well, here's one. One of his most heartbreaking moments from TRF:
Last edited by SusiGo (October 8, 2012 6:54 am)
Hm, that's at 221b when he's realizing Mrs. Hudson is fine and the call was a fake, right?
Look at that face!