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August 23, 2024 7:35 pm  #1

Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

My Sherlockian pal booked us on what was described as an 'outdoor escape room'.
Basically a treasure hunt around Edinburgh, with puzzles to solve.
Ironically, we bumped into Steve Moffat and Sue Vertue on the way!


August 26, 2024 7:52 pm  #2

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

Oh, my goodness! Were they doing the hunt or just in the vicinity? That sounds like a really fun activity.


August 27, 2024 6:07 am  #3

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

They had originally been there for the film festival.
Because the Book Festival got to hear Steven was in town, they asked very last minute if he would hold an event, I think basically about his career,...
or maybe I have got that mixed up!
My Sherlockian pal,was telling me all this.,
Anyhow, he was originally booked for the film festival and then the book festival nabbed him as well!
They were standing outside the Caledonian Hotel, which was one of our clue spots.
They are so lovely with their fans.
They did try and help us and Steven told me about the real Lauriston Place being in Edinburgh!

Last edited by besleybean (August 27, 2024 6:08 am)

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August 29, 2024 7:39 pm  #4

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

That's really fun that you bumped into them! And nice that he didn't mind getting roped into work when there for pleasure!


August 30, 2024 6:00 am  #5

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

No, I think he was working at the film festival.
I am notoroius for not concentrating on what people are saying to me, but to be fair I was trying to work on the clues at the same time!
I am due to see my pal again next month.
When I do and if I remember, I'll ask her again exactly waht Steven was doing in Edinburgh..

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August 30, 2024 8:28 pm  #6

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

Oh, I misunderstood. I was thinking he was there to see the festival. I hope they had fun anyway!


August 31, 2024 6:00 am  #7

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

They both looked great and as I always remember the whole Sherlock Team saying...Sue is just such a lovely person.

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September 6, 2024 1:22 pm  #8

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

What a lovely little encounter! That's nice that they didn't mind talking to you. How did you do on the  scavenger hunt in the end?

Funnily enough, Steven is, or is about to be, sort of in my vicinity as well. He's speaking at an industry event at the Toronto International Film Festival, which just started. It's only open to industry people, but sometimes actors and directors also go to public screenings, so sometimes you might spot them. Viggo Mortensen was in the audience of a film I saw last year.

Clueing for looks.

September 6, 2024 8:43 pm  #9

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

Oh that sounds fun! Are you going to any screenings this year?


September 19, 2024 10:49 pm  #10

Re: Edinburgh Sherlock Event today.

I was able to go to a few this year, which was nice. It was also a really busy time for me, though, so it was kind of exhausting. But I usually only make it to one or two movies during the festival, so it was nice to see a few more this year.

Tom Hiddleston had a movie at the festival and I happened to be walking by when the red carpet was happening, so I saw him from afar. 

Last edited by Yitzock (September 19, 2024 10:50 pm)

Clueing for looks.

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