I think expecting a kiss was hoping for a bit much considering HLV.
I don't think we even got that from John and Mary on the wedding day.
Liberty wrote:
I think the fact that the final version is less homoerotic shows the direction they'd decided to take.
So they made it a slow burn instead
I have no problem with a show becoming so big in someone's long as they are watching the show that was actually written for them!
Actually even that's not true.
I don't mind how people watch the show.
As long as they don't say it's how the writers tried to write it...when it isn't.
The other thing: so boring that every TV show has to have a couple(or will they won't they?) as leads...I like Sherlock precisely because it's different and they are not a couple but the best of friends.
Last edited by besleybean (January 20, 2017 8:23 pm)
I only talk about Sherlock here. And thats to prevent my family taping my mouth up.
Mothonthemantel wrote:
I think expecting a kiss was hoping for a bit much considering HLV.
I don't think we even got that from John and Mary on the wedding day.
Haha! Thank you. It's a great point. Goes nicely with the final montage - it doesn't matter whom you shag, you are a legend, this is also why we're not showing that bathtub on the show despite it having been teased by Arwel every bloody setlock.
(You might have guessed I'm quoting Mary approximately here )
Last edited by ewige (January 20, 2017 8:26 pm)
@ moth: Yes, I get: you're it's a problem, or something?
Last edited by besleybean (January 20, 2017 8:25 pm)
Weirdly Besley , I liked it because it is different from the usual detective bro show!
That is weird, considering what the creators have said about it.
besleybean wrote:
That is weird, considering what the creators have said about it.
Before or after that homoeroticism comment of Mark's?
ewige wrote:
Mothonthemantel wrote:
I think expecting a kiss was hoping for a bit much considering HLV.
I don't think we even got that from John and Mary on the wedding day.Haha! Thank you. It's a great point. Goes nicely with the final montage - it doesn't matter whom you shag, you are a legend, this is also why we're not showing that bathtub on the show despite it having been teased by Arwel every bloody setlock.
(You might have guessed I'm quoting Mary approximately here)
She knows what they can become. Ha . What is that they have not already been or are already.?
The best of men.
besleybean wrote:
@ moth: Yes, I get: you're it's a problem, or something?
lol. No like you I just like talking about Sherlock and the plots and characters and details and they don't
My daughter sometimes makes some good observations...hubby just gives levels of grunts on how much he likes various episodes...though he laughed out loud in ASIP, at the: 'and I assume she scrubbed your floors, judging by the state of her knees' line.
Mothonthemantel wrote:
besleybean wrote:
@ moth: Yes, I get: you're it's a problem, or something?
lol. No like you I just like talking about Sherlock and the plots and characters and details and they don't
A coworker of mine will be watching Sherlock now. I drove him nuts over the last three weeks with my exalted chatter.
besleybean wrote:
The best of men.
Let me ask you again. Maybe this time I'l get an answer:
Mary starts her statement with "Now that I am gone.." (only quoting from memory here). So tell me, why can they become the best of men only after Mary's death?
That does not make sense to me. I mean, was her imperfection infecting them or why does she have to be dead for them to become something better?
I just took it she meant better and greater crime solvers, but it's honestly no big deal to me.
I like the way the writers have left the show.
We have a very unhappy house about Sherlock at the moment. We all used to watch and enjoy but I haven't let my younger child ( 12 ) watch 03. It's moved quite far from the subtle gentle family show this series.
Edit : I mean 04!
Last edited by Mothonthemantel (January 20, 2017 8:40 pm)
It certainly was the darkest and most challenging series...but all the more rewarding.
Schmiezi wrote:
besleybean wrote:
The best of men.
Let me ask you again. Maybe this time I'l get an answer:
Mary starts her statement with "Now that I am gone.." (only quoting from memory here). So tell me, why can they become the best of men only after Mary's death?
That does not make sense to me. I mean, was her imperfection infecting them or why does she have to be dead for them to become something better?
John said that to Sherlock back at the grave in TRF and Sherlock gave the whole best man love letter to John. So yes thats already done.
Aw, shucks.