NW16XE wrote:
First Annual Midwestern Sherlock Scone Bake-Off
Hi, Ima. I'm pleased to meet another Midwesterner, there may actually be enough of us here for a tea party!
I love tea parties...any occasion that allows for more discussion of Sherlock is fine by me! And I'll even bake some scones for the occasion!
I guess we should not meet at Speedy's but at Sconey's - sounds like there will be better food in your place
No need for box mixes for scones m'dears. Here's a couple of good recipes although they aren't in your funny cup measurement thingys so you'll have to do some converting. Recommend strawberry jam and clotted cream if you can get them or just butter on them when they are warm.
I used to make pizzas with scone mixture as the base when the kids were small as it was a good way to get milk and eggs into them.
Thanks, Davina! Btw, years ago I was in Exeter for vacation and loved it.
Plenty of clotted cream there! Nice part of the country.
Thanks, Davina! The first recipe is very close to the one that I used to use...I've bookmarked it so I can find it again. I like to eat scones still warm from the oven with a pot of tea for breakfast during the winter. Thanks again for the links!
Last edited by ImaSherlockGirl (September 5, 2012 1:06 am)
Davina wrote:
No need for box mixes for scones m'dears. Here's a couple of good recipes although they aren't in your funny cup measurement thingys so you'll have to do some converting. Recommend strawberry jam and clotted cream if you can get them or just butter on them when they are warm.
I used to make pizzas with scone mixture as the base when the kids were small as it was a good way to get milk and eggs into them.
Good because there were no boxes of scone mix. I did see clotted cream though! Thanks!
ImaSherlockGirl wrote:
Banbha wrote:
I'm fairly close to you as well, ImaSherlockGirl - Grand Rapids, MI. Maybe 5 or 6 hours away? takes me 5 to get to Indianapolis.
Do you happen to have a recipe for scones? I know there are MANY on the internet, but they differ slightly enough that I'm not sure which one is going to produce a proper scone. If that makes sense.I'm about 2 or 2 1/2 hours south and west of Indy. I've not been to Grand Rapids before but I did visit Holland a couple of years ago for the Tulip Festival.
I've been waiting for more fans from the Midwest to join the forum!
I wondered what took you so long, but then I thought that maybe you had just harpooned a pig and no cab would take you, or you were just afraid the cabbie might force you to take a pill.
Really, though, happy to have you among us!
veecee wrote:
I wondered what took you so long, but then I thought that maybe you had just harpooned a pig and no cab would take you, or you were just afraid the cabbie might force you to take a pill.
Really, though, happy to have you among us!
Happy to be here! No, it wasn't the cabs, we don't have cab service in Indiana. Okay, technically we do,but try getting a cab. Any sort of public transport here is crap. Jeff Hope would hate it.
By the way, I do rather love your username.