That's just silly. He keeps his judo certificate above his bed, Adler's phone is around somewhere and well as other knickknacks. It's not impossible to imagine that particular periodic table was either a gift or holds as close to sentimental importance to Sherlock as he can get.
Also chemistry, for the best part, is like riding a bicycle - not too many chemists have to refer to the periodic table.
Oh that is just brilliant PR. Honestly, if it hadn't had the words BBC, Sherlock and Moffat in it would you have read a press release about an updated periodic table? Kudos to them for tapping into pop culture to generate interest.
That's what I was thinking Wholocked.
Wonder how many more will jump on the bandwagon? lol
But it is funny, the reactions to it.
agree with m0r1arty... Watson once said that Sherlock chemistry knowledge is profound, I believe he already memorize all the content of periodic table and store in his mind palace.
Yeah the periodic table on his wall is just because he likes it - it's like having a poster of the Beatles or something...he's just a geeky science person, he doesn't actually need to refer to it all the time. I don't like the one they're proposing to send to Moffat, looks horrible.
Of course it's a 19th Century periodic table. Sherlock Holmes lived in the 19th Century in the original stories didn't he? Also why would someone not have an old, out of date version of something on their wall? That's what people do, don't they? Presumably Sherlock knows the periodic table off by heart anyway, since he is an The periodic table was chosen because they thought it was something that Sherlock would like.
Scientists always say they are imaginative people really and I am sure many are but really this lot make me a little doubtful!
I've now purchased my own Periodic Table wall chart/poster off Amazon. I couldn't find one like Sherlock's but tried to get a "traditional" looking one. Looking forward to its imminent arrival!
Skull poster next then? Or do you have one already?
Not yet...I'm working on that one. I want to 221B my house.
I've ordered a bunch of other geekish things off Amazon Chemistry text books and a couple of books about the "mind palace" technique, and more cipher decryption books...Once they've arrived I'm going to make a topic on here for Sherlock inspired books.
I'd like a Union Jack cushion as well.
Now I've seem Union Jack cushions around. I'll have to thInk where!
You need a Cleudo board stuck to your wall too!
Ahhh yeah...I haven't played Cluedo for years. "It was Mrs Peacock in the dining room with the candlestick". I used to enjoy that game as a kid actually. Might have to buy a copy, play it once, then knife it to the wall....
Not sure graffiting a smiley face on the wall would go down too well though...might have to skip that one.
But a knife in the wall will? Lol!
Oh right yeah...forgot about that one...maybe I could get a cork board and knife it into that...