I just discovered this theatre production on Youtube. It's a play by Michael Dobbs about Guy Burgess, the later Soviet double agent (who was also portrayed by Rupert Everett in "Another Country"), interviewing Winston Churchill in 1938. If you like to see Benedict live on stage chain-smoking, there you are :
Last edited by SusiGo (September 4, 2012 2:55 pm)
Thank you... I can imagine why you like it. I could see what he's wearing under his jacket.
I will record it and put it on my to do list.
And then, once being on youtube, I found more... and more.... *sigh* My life's too short.
Yeeeaaah! Suspender-Braces! You see and you observe.
But seriously, it's interesting to see him on stage. And I can recommend "Another Country" as well, it has Rupert Everett AND a very young Colin Firth in it. I watched
the film with a friend when we came to London in 1984 (yes, I'm that old ).
Last edited by SusiGo (September 4, 2012 6:23 pm)
Oh I love "Another Country" it must be years when I watched it the last time. Colin
I'll definitely watch "The turning point", thanks Susi
OMG, I almost didn't recognize Colin Firth! But - I can observe. So.....
Loved this
Loved seeing a tiny bit of how he preps for a role, and the performance by both Actors was great.
I saw this on Youtube a while ago, the play is fantastic and both actors are brilliant!
Oooo thank you for this, I know it was on sky a few months back but my recording failed as they were updating the system. I was not impressed. Added to my watch later list and something to look forward to, yay!