That house reminded me of the Diogenes Club too. I just wanted to point out that it doesn't seem to be exploding, just the car in front of it?
ewige wrote:
That house reminded me of the Diogenes Club too. I just wanted to point out that it doesn't seem to be exploding, just the car in front of it?
The house with the exploding car is not as big as the Diogenes Club I think. It looks like a two storey house.
Schmiezi wrote:
ewige wrote:
That house reminded me of the Diogenes Club too. I just wanted to point out that it doesn't seem to be exploding, just the car in front of it?
The house with the exploding car is not as big as the Diogenes Club I think. It looks like a two storey house.
Also true!
But it does look familiar. But I suppose a lot of houses around London does.
I'll say the thing about the lab/morgue-ish room but in spoiler tags... because I think this could trigger someone... sorry
'My' office and our rogue department's kind of 'makeshift' lab at the hospital was next to the morgue. The room where we had our disinfection machine for our tools had a fridge where they stored the late term miscarriage babies that were to be examined. I always tried to get out of having to go in there
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (December 12, 2016 7:50 am)
Okay, I wouldn't want to spend too much time in that room either!
I've looked up Irene's house and while it's definitely not it, I agree that many houses in London must look similarly. The explosion comes from a car chase, right? So the location doesn't really have to matter...
As for the scene with John pushing Sherlock,it could be done in rage, blaming him for something. However, he doesn't seem to push him any hard. He is barely moving his arms and not moving his body at all. Compared to the reunion scene, where he barrelled him through half the restaurant before pushing him over. That seemed much more forceful than this.
Edit: Also, are we absolutely sure it's John? Could it be Culverton-Smith?
Last edited by Vhanja (December 12, 2016 8:17 am)
I think the person is a bit too tall to be Culverton
And to skinny too.
Never has the words "too tall" been used to describe Martin.
I also don't think it's Culverton's style. My guess is John (although you're right, it's not confirmed).
I think the house with the explosion is not the same house as the one I'm now calling Mycroft's house. But I don't think it's the Diogenes club either. The view from far back, and the surfacing, make it look like it's not, but also the windows, etc. aren't right. I don't think this house is on a central London street.
I'm being careful about spoilers so I'm going to put the next in spoiler tags, but it's very, very mild, just something about what episode I think scenes are from.
. I'm glad that somebody else is calling it the "I love you" room! I don't think he's saying it to Molly. I don't think he loves Molly in the way that he loves John or Mycroft (or even Mrs Hudson?), but of course there is time for a relationship to grow over three episodes. I'm just not sure it will, although I'm pleased to see Molly featuring, and Sherlolly would be kind of sweet!I don't think Culverton is the big bad in the "I love you" scene, just because I think he has only been officially cast for Ep2, and I'm guessing that this is Ep3.
ewige wrote:
I actually dislike MP being the standard explanation for whatever we see before the eps air, now
Thank you, thank you, thank you, ewige. I totally agree.
The trailer looks very dramatic and I absolutely love it. But I want the drama to be real. So you might call me naive, but I have decided to believe that everything we see in the trailer is real.
The "morgue" scene: I'm convinced it's John too, based on body proportions and skull shape (Toby has quite a unique cranium, bless him).
I suppose he's not really shoving Sherlock as hard as I first thought, more like shaking him by the lapels. I do think he's angry or frustrated with Sherlock though.
I'm pretty sure I've seen morgues with steel doors like that in TV shows and movies before, they would be able to fit up to three bodies in each compartment. But I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be something else.
The house with the exploding car does look like it has quite a bit of space around it, so not your typical inner London residence.
I wonder which of the locations we've seen in the trailers has the pool?
I remember from setlock that
Unfortunately I'm rubbish at finding info again :othere was more info on the house with the pool. It was so cool that you could switch the deep end in the pool.
Last edited by Liberty (December 12, 2016 10:00 am)
Ewige, I'm getting nervous about your little hints at setlock, no spoilers here please
Mod note: Just a friendly reminder that this is a spoiler-free thread. I know we're all really excited about the trailer and that makes it easy to let things slip! There is a spoiler thread for S4 here , and it would be fine to discuss the trailer in terms of setlock over there.
(I'll see if I can edit your post to put it in spoiler tags, Ewige!)
I just posted something that is apparently an official release, but contains a spoiler (the baby's name and date of birth). I've just moved it to the spoiler thread to be on the safe side, but anyone wanting the information can look here:
Last edited by Liberty (December 12, 2016 10:22 am)
Oh my, I'm so sorry, thanks for editing it so quickly!
No problem, Ewige! I followed quite a lot of setlock, and I'm finding it easy to get carried away and forget which thread I'm in!
I just showed the trailer to my boyfriend and when he saw the burning house he immediately said that it reminds him of the house of Mommy and Daddy Holmes. I'm not sure but somehow I have the feeling that it would make sense...
It is really not the same, the burning one is much grander. I think people have identified which house it might be, it is one that has been used as a setlock location.